
Compare And Contrast Black Box And Rutherford's Golden Foil Experiment

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To begin, our experiment with the “black box” can be compared to Rutherford’s original golden foil experiment. Both the experiments had similar components and similar procedures. In both experiments, small, spherical objects were thrown inside the unknown realm to see how they would bounce back. In the case of our experiment, they were marbles. In Rutherford’s experiment, these small objects were alpha particles. Rutherford and us both traced the paths of our marbles and alpha particles to reveal the negative space in the middle of the space. The marbles and alpha particles sometimes missed the target and sometimes hit it. When the marble (or alpha particle) made contact with the target in the middle, it would bounce off in a direction depending on what shape the target was. Rutherford’s …show more content…

Also, the alpha particles already had a lot of momentum on their own because of their mass. Our marble did have a decent amount of mass, but it did not have much momentum to propel itself forward. In the end, the marble would be travelling faster than the alpha particles because it has a larger distance to cover and it also has to be given all of its energy by the experimenter. In size comparison, Rutherford’s experiment was about 5 x 10^27 times smaller than our experiment. If our marble was bigger, then in certain trials, it would have made contact with our nucleus when a smaller marble might have just rolled past it. Also, if the marble wasn’t an exact sphere shape and rather was an oval, it might have turned over and not touched the center at all, versus if a spherical marble was rolled, it would make full contact with the solid nucleus. This lab experiment contained levels of systematic error and not any random error. The reason there was not random error in this experiment was because it did not require much of anything to be measured, so it really didn’t allow for any error in

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