
Compare And Contrast Booker T. Washington And W. E. B. Dubois

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Booker T. Washington and W.E.B DuBois were both remarkable men during their time. They were known for being influential black men who were educators. They contributed immensely to the black community. They had different upbringing which helped shaped their views on how the African Americans can improve their situation. While Washington was born into slavery, DuBois on the other hand was born totally free. DuBois was born in the north surrounded mostly by white people. He believed in a more radical approach and also believed the most important thing is to be equal to the white. Most of his philosophies were accepted by the Northerners. In contrast, Washington’s views were more of non-violence and using a more subtle but intelligent way to get what you want. He believed one must work hard on himself to be indispensable. He was born in the south and his led to him being able to relate to the needs of the people in the south and they accepted his philosophies. …show more content…

Washington, was a famous black educator in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During the progressive era, the African Americans faced a lot of challenges while seeking reform because of the racial issues at that time. The view of Washington on issues at that time was however accepted by the people as he motivated them to strive for “self-improvement rather than long-range social change” (Brinkely, 502). This agrees with his philosophy of getting and education to make one relevant and improve one’s living standard. Washington established the Tuskegee Institute for education of African Americans. This institution was created to teach industrialization and would empower people to become business owners and be responsible for themselves. In return they could also earn the respect of the majority group which are the

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