
Compare And Contrast Charles Darwin's Theory Of Eugenics

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Charles Darwin and his cousin Frances Galton, would have a significant impact on the role of functionalism and the new psychology. Darwin’s theory of evolution changed the focus from the structure of consciousness to its function and Galton’s theory of Eugenics would propose a way of improving society through the use of Eugenics as a means of creating the perfect human race.
Charles Darwin was a scientist who claimed that all living species function through a process in which an individual member or members of a species are genetically predisposed to thrive, while others possess the ability to better adapt to their environment. Darwin also noted the similarities that exist between animals and humans caused by the continuous evolutionary development …show more content…

Galton believed that exceptional humans genetically reproduce exceptional human beings and that the environment was not to be considered as a sole factor in mental capacities and influence. Galton instituted the science of “Eugenics which contends that the human race could be improved upon by the process of artificial selection. To Galton, Eugenics was a science that deals with all influences which improve the inborn qualities of a race that contribute to providing their development with the utmost advantage (Galton, 1904). This process would include the mating of two smart and talented individuals together with the intention of creating generations of a highly gifted human race. In an effort to confirm his eugenic theory, Galton used math by applying measurement and statistics in his research . He applied statistical concepts to problems of heredity with the belief that intelligence could be measured in terms of a person’s sensory capabilities, which he proposed would provide a correlation between higher test scores in sensory functioning resulting in higher scores of intelligence. The data he collected would verify his theory and validate his claims. data revealed that smart and gifted men have a higher probability of fathering smart and gifted sons than do the average man. He argued that smart and gifted, or the lack of it was solely a …show more content…

In his book “Eugenics:It’s Definition, Scope, and Aims” (1904), Galton made the following declaration.
“I propose that each generation has enormous power over the natural gifts, that it is a duty we owe to humanity to investigate the range of that power, and to exercise it in a way that, without being unwise towards ourselves, shall be most advantageous to future inhabitants of the earth.” Darwin opened the door for the study of the new science by proposing all living organisms evolve and are either genetically predisposed to thrive or possess the abilities necessary to best adapt to their environment. Galton proposed through his theory of Eugenics, that genetics play a significant role in the ability of future generations to create a superior race through a form of selective breeding. This process is done by testing individuals and creating a process in which only those who receive high scores are allowed to procreate. In retrospect, it is frightening to me when man attempts to play God and choose which of his creations have value in our society, whether in the past, the present, or in future generations to

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