
Compare And Contrast Cultural And Ethno-Pharmacological Factors

Decent Essays

Compare and contrast cultural and ethno-pharmacological factors between two cultural groups of your choosing. Include cultural factors such as health beliefs, health practices, demographics, relevant education, employment considerations, relevant health care utilization practices, applicable family relationship issues, health status facts, and associated differences in pharmacokinetics responses.
The ethno-pharmacological factors are how race influences the metabolism and patient’s response to medication (Guerrero & Jones, 2016). These factors along with cultural factors are influence drug selection. The two cultural groups I compared were Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans. Asian Americans make up 5.6% of the US population are comprised of 50 ethnic subgroups, use 30 different languages; therefore, a higher percentage do not speak …show more content…

As well as the higher use of herbal medicines, this will affect the selection of prescription medication (Guerrero & Jones, 2016). In addition, Asian cultures have a lower level of CYP 2D6 a drug metabolism enzyme for antiarrhythmics, antidepressants, and neuroleptics; therefore, they require lower dose of these medications. In contrast, Hispanic cultures are at higher risk for obesity that affects the metabolism and absorption of drugs; and diabetes due to higher levels of insulin resistance and lower level of insulin sensitivity (Guerrero & Jones, 2016). There is also a higher incidence of asthma with Puerto Ricans due to them having a greater response to bronchodilators and Arg16 genotype. In addition, religion plays important role in Hispanic Americans health decisions (Guerrero & Jones, 2016). This is important because practitioner’s lack of knowledge regarding cultural differences contribute health disparities and poor patient outcomes (Hart & Mareno,

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