
Compare And Contrast Democrats And Republicans

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The approaching presidential election of 2016 has brought many political issues to the forefront of the American people’s minds. Unfortunately, the two main political party have become increasingly polarized. Both are frantically scrabbling to win over their constituent base. This has caused the Republicans to spiral further right and Democrats to surge further left (parallelism). Thus, the two parties are left with few similarity. While both Democrats and Republicans seek to improve society, their proposals to achieve this euphoric utopia are tremendously incompatible (assonance). For instance, Republicans fancy several ghastly conservative social issues: opposition to gay marriage, abortion, and universal health care. Many Republican who oppose these issues usually have little personal experience with them. When will a rich white male, who holds political office, ever need an abortion? Never (hypophora). …show more content…

They attempt to solve problems that are currently crippling our once great nation. For example, Democrats desire to put an end to “back-alley” abortions. They intend to do so by providing women with both a safe place to receive an abortion, but also the proper health care to afford one. Women, underneath the Democrats proposal, will no longer have to jump through hoops like a circus animal (simile). Republicans and Democrats also differ in fundamental societal and human ideals. Democrats gravitate towards policies that favor equality. Thus, the party strives for community empowerment and social responsibility. In contrast, Republicans support policies that promote freedom and their party fights for a person’s individual rights over the general public's best interest. This type of egotistical view must be subdued before a plethora of conservative policies are put into action

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