Democrats vs. Republicans Democrats and republicans are part of the party systems referred to as political parties. Political parties are a group of people with the same ideas and connections about the government. They want to get their viewpoints across, and therefore form groups/parties in order to be heard by the government. There are many different viewpoints between democrats and republicans. Some of these issues include abortion, education, the death penalty, economy, faith, health care, gay rights, and even gun control. Both parties are trying to push their ideas forward in many different ways. As I see it republicans are more straight forward and just see in black and white. It is either right or wrong no matter what. Democrats on the other …show more content…
They think in the gray and are not so straightforward. Democrats are pro abortion and believe in women rights. They don't like the fact of killing the baby, but think that it is the mother's choice whether or not it is done. Democrats support abortion mainly in cases of rape and incest. Education is another issue between democrats and republicans. Democrats believe that laws should set forth new taxes which would decrease the class sizes which would enable schools to hire new teachers. Democrats are the cause in the increase of NCLB funding. The NCLB program stand for no child left behind. It is set up in order to allow every child to attend school no matter their financial stance. On the case of death penalties democrats are separated. Democrats do not believe that everyone should be treated equally. They think that the wealthy should be taxed more than a minimum wage or poor person.
“The Republican Party was founded in 1854 by a group of renegade Democrats, Whigs, and political independents who opposed the expansion of Slavery into new U.S. territories and states. What began as a single-issue, independent party became a major political force in the United States. Six years after the new party was formed, Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln won the U.S. presidential election. The Republican Party and its counterpart, the Democratic Party, became the mainstays of the nation's de facto two-party system.” As stated in the free dictionary’s definition of the republican party. The Republican and Democrat parties are opposites on almost every decision they come to. The Republican party is more small government whereas the Democratic party is pro big government.
Firstly the parties have different policy views such as the Republican Party has a more hawkish foreign policy, committed to high defence spending and the use of power to defend American Interests e.g. Bush invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the war on Terror whereas the Democratic Party has a more ‘dovish’ foreign policy, internationalist in seeking diplomatic solutions to problems e.g. Obama’s commitment to withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan. Many social issues such as Abortion also have distinct differences in
In the United States we are divided by the left and right side on the political spectrum; even further divided into political parties such as Republicans, on the right, and Democrats, on the left side. These two political parties show philosophical differences through their viewpoints on major topics such as the economy, separation of church and state, abortion, and gun control.
Then comes the issue of campaign finance the two parties have different thoughts on this issue. The Democrats think that something should be done to eliminate the influence of lobbyists and special interests in our political parties (“Democrats Unveil”). The Republicans want to fight this by adding a new constitutional amendment while republicans support this saying that it is supported by our right to free speech (“Democrats Unveil”). They are trying to change this policy because they both want to help cleanse the political system of corruption. But even though the two parties both disagree on both things they each have their own ways they want it done.
From as long as there has been Texas, there has been two parties. The Texas Republican and Democratic party may seem like they are always fighting each other, they both want what is best for the state. The Texas Republican Party and the Texas Democratic Party may seem very different but actually hold similar core beliefs about personal and social responsibility.
The American political system is made up of primarily two parties, Democrats and Republicans. These parties go against each-other for many political positions, such as presidency. Each supports and opposes different issues. The Democratic Party supports a bigger government and believes the government should guide the people. They are known as Liberals because typically they like change. The Republican Party supports a smaller government and believes the people should guide the government. They are known as Conservatives because they are in favor of the core laws of this country. Some people do not consider themselves Democratic or Republican. Not all members agree with the majority vote of their party. Each party has a majority
Republicans want to limit the number of social programs and encourage the individual states to be more active in their own social welfare. Democrats feel that more government is better, where the Republicans feel that the individual states should have more power. Democrats favor gun control legislation most of the time. Republicans do not seem as interested in that issue, and many Republicans can be viewed as pro gun advocates. Democrats favor affirmative action for minorities and women. Republicans favor helping the entrepreneur and tend to give tax breaks to big business. Democrats champion the cause of labor unions, while Republicans realizing that union votes are important, at the same time feel that labor unions have too much power and cost big business too much money. The next set of political differences about the issues of capital punishment and abortion rights are quite paradoxical. Democrats favor a woman’s right to choose, at the same time they are against the death penalty and want to rehabilitate prisoners. Republicans, many of them are pro-life as well as in favor of capital punishment and being tough on crime. Democrats want the government to be more involved in public education, and want more money dispersed for student loans. Republicans want the states to take the responsibility for educating their children and also want to provide vouchers as an alternative to public school. This issue is also tied to how Republicans are
What are your opinions on Democrats vs. Republicans? Are you on the Republicans side or the Democrats. Read this first, then decide. Did you know, that the differences between the two political parties lie between their views towards social issues. For instance a Republican tends to be conservative on social issues. They oppose gay marriage and promote marriage between men and women. They oppose abortions and promote the rights of gun ownership. Democrats tend to be more progressive in their views, favoring abortions and gay marriage, but when it comes to gun laws they wish to be more strict with laws that will limit ownership. In this essay I am going to go a little more in depth of what they are fighting over, for our country today.
Lastly, Democrats and Republicans are more different than each other. Even though the outcome they want to come out off issues are similar the way they go about it is too great. While the party supports abortion the over doesn’t. While one party supports gay marriage the other thinks it is unethical. In addition, while one party embraces illegal immigration the other repels it.
Democrats and Republicans have formed the political scene in the U.S. all through history. Both sides plan to do what is best for the American individuals however unfathomably contrast in rationality and beliefs. Democrats have been by and large seen as supporters of social administrations while Republicans energize a constrained government impact and a powerful outside strategy. Moreover, Democrats have a tendency to incline towards an ACTIVE government with the conviction of enhancing the open door and balance. In the mean time, Republicans have a tendency to be more determined about being ace business and more independent.
The party platforms between democrats and republicans has always caused contention among them. Their values and beliefs is what sets them apart. Many argue that one party goes either too far to the left or too far to the right with viewpoints of governing. Platforms are very important when it comes to governing a country. Depending on what a candidate belief system the country will reap destruction or prosperity as result of whoever in charge.
What was the ideology of the Democratic party? Individual liberty, limited government intervention and free market were among the most important tenants of the Democratic party. The welfare of the population was valued, therefore two liberal and still operating policies, Social Security and Medicare, came from Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal policy (Sidlow, 2013, p.16). They were believed to be necessary for the good
They both agree on that their families play a huge role in their beliefs, and values. Both party platforms agree that there should be help for people who are going through divorce, and encouraging for adoption as well. On the other hand we have the Republicans that say that the most important thing in conservatives, and Hispanics are their beliefs and values. Hinting that children need a mother and father to be successful ("Republican Party on Education."). While on the contrary the Democrats say that children need love from either a mother, or father or regardless of their gender ("Democratic Party on Education."). Here the democrats are trying to say that regardless of the gender of the childs parents, the child is going to be raised with love. The Democratic Party says that there should be policies that value family. For example the parents would spend more time with their child. In my opinion I agree with the democrats that there should be a way that the parents should be able to spend more time with their children. But I also agree with republicans that the children learn their beliefs and values from their families first. Also that there are other options when it comes to abortions like
One of the differences between democrats and republicans lies in their views towards social issues. The Republicans tend to be conservative on social issues. They tend to oppose gay marriage and promote marriage being between a man and a woman. They also oppose abortion and promote the right of gun ownership.
Democrats express that the values America supports must evolve over time, and therefore tend to support controversial issues such same-sex marriage and abortion. Republicans values tend to be religious in nature which means Republicans will most likely disapprove of abortions for any reason and disagree with same-sex marriage.