There have been many great civilizations throughout the course of history. Egypt and Mesopotamia were two of the earliest powerful societies. Therefore, they can be defined as civilizations because they both developed writing, religious structure, and held political and military power.
One of the elements of a great civilization is the development of a writing system. About 5,100 years ago the Sumerians of Mesopotamia developed a wedge- shaped form of writing. They used symbols to represent objects. The symbols developed over history to become much simpler and easier to understand why they were such a powerful civilization ( c).
Another dominant element in a civilization is religious structure. In Egypt they belived that the Pharaoh was a god so they worshipped and followed his leadership. Also in Egypt the Pharaoh, Akhenaten, wanted people to worship his chosen god, Aten. Although it failed, it might have influenced the Jewish religion as seen in Psalm 104:19- 25, 27-30. The Hebrews developed religious structure with the Ten
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A box was discovered dating back 4700 years shows the army of the city-state, Ur, showing their military might with a military victory. The Code of Hammurabi gave political structure because it gave strict punishments for crimes, which convinced people not to commit these crimes. In Egypt the citizens worshipped the Pharaoh so much absolute political power and power over all the people. The Nubians arriving in Egypt shows Egypt's military strength and power as they brought people from Nubia to Egypt for personal benefit. The Assyrians developed great strategies and tactics to succeed in war and gain power. This made them great at warfare and in turn a very powerful civilization. Although political and military structure turned these societies into powerful civilizations, however a misuse of this power could have led to their demise (A, B, D, F,
Civilization. The word “civilization” comes from the Latin term for “city.” The first civilizations were the river-valley civilizations, so-called because they all developed alongside major rivers to secure an adequate water supply for agricultural production. 2 of the greatest river-valley civilizations were Mesopotamia and Egypt. All though they both supported having a patriarchal leader or king, Egypt had a strong, centralized government, whereas Mesopotamia was decentralized, and built based on small city-states operating independently.
Ancient Egypt was a complex civilization because it had all the important indicators. For thousands of years, man hunted and gathered food. With the introduction of farming, people settled down and stopped moving around and following herds of animals. Eventually, they needed a way of governing themselves. The Ancient Egyptian government was a good example of this. Here is why the Ancient Egyptian government was so good.In any civilization, people will need a well-organized government to keep everyone in order. Without one, chaos would ensue.
The first civilizations and the rise of empires began with small groups or villages existing with the use of hunting, fishing, and foraging. (William J. Duiker and Jackson J. Spielvogel, World History, vol. 1, 1) Within a few thousand years, people learned how to cultivate food crops and this led to an increase in population. Increased food production resulted in larger communities. The cities began to expand their cultural and religious developments leading to the beginnings of civilization. (Duiker, World History, 1) The first civilizations emerged in Mesopotamia and Egypt during the fourth and third millennia B.C.E and had various components in common. Each of these civilizations was established in a river valley so they were able to provide and produce the agricultural resources needed to survive and uphold the population. (Duiker, World History, 1) Mesopotamia developed in the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates River known as “the land between the rivers.” These rivers provided irregular and catastrophic flooding for the city-state. They created an intensive irrigation system to improve their agriculture. The first people to create Mesopotamian civilization were known as the Sumerians. These people were the first city builders and created the major city’s named Eridu, Ur, Uruk, Umma, and Lagash. These cities were built with surrounding walls and defense towers. A six-mile-long wall enclosed the city of Uruk. Mesopotamia lacked
Throughout time, many civilizations have risen and fallen, all of them making their own impressions on the future. Civilizations such as Ancient Mesopotamia evolved over time, becoming more and more advanced. The Ancient Mesopotamians had many groundbreaking achievements and innovations that made them an advanced civilization. These features were in many areas, such as law, technology, and education, among others. Important breakthroughs like these are what made Mesopotamia an advanced and impactful civilization.
Ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into successful civilizations in many ways. For example document one it states ¨Heavy rains caused the Nile to overflow regularly, which made the soil fertile and good for farming.¨ Lots of people wanted to have good crops to live on. As many people did it on land lots of people did it by the Nial River. Like many sumers people like to work hard to please the king.
In conclusion there is many reasons why Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into a successful civilization some of them are the nile river floods that people depended on for food and water and the rivers that provided resources such as transportation, trade and plants or pharaoh that the Egyptians believed in and thought he had absolute power or the sumerians and akkadians that were polytheistic and believed in many gods and keeping the gods happy for their own happiness, also Hammurabi code that concerned to a daily life laws like making justice or destroying evil and wicked all of these reasons made Mesopotamia and egypt successful
Historians are confident that Mesopotamia and Egypt are the earliest documented civilizations based on archaeological evidence. They are known for their innovations in technology, agriculture, and law, which society uses today. The evidence from various researches by credible historians and archeologist shows that indeed both civilizations had a legal system whether written or not. The Mesopotamian people were tame by rules put forth by Hammurabi – the sixth king of Ancient Babylon – referred to as Hammurabi’s Code by historians. The Mesopotamian government went to great lengths to spell out their laws, and consequences for breaking them, in depth detail; on the other hand, Egypt failed to do the same. While less visible proof of Egyptian law exists today, there is evidence that proves they had a structured and progressive legal society. Even though both societies were advanced, their legal system in many ways contrasted each other.
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia present a valuable area of historical research. They are of great importance mostly because of their ethnic kinship (Watson, 2017). In such case, comparison and contrast essay is very promising as causal relationships can be formed based on a mutual starting point. This comparison-contrast essay focuses on differences and similarities in these societies’ economic, political and cultural life in order to make further implications regarding the circumstances the peoples of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia faced.
When you look back in history to the development and the contributions of both the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations, you see that there was a lot accomplished, as well as a lot created. The earliest forms of writing developed in Mesopotamia, while Egypt was referred to the “Gift of the Nile” by traveler Herodotus (McKay,42). Development of cities was another major marker, especially in the “old world”, of how people eventually determined civilizations and what they represented. According to McKay, civilizations were determined by people who considered themselves more “civilized”, urban people mostly. Made up of cities, written rules of law, and social justice codes, Mesopotamia and Egypt would develop into two of the largest civilizations in history.
Ancient Egypt . 4 world studies Ancient Egypt Egypt was a complex civilization because all of the inducers were there there was an Advanced government specialized skills and jobs complexed religion social classes and all of the others there were a lot of people that live there and it wasn't very complexed City. Well-Organized Government The had a army And the used Chariots in the army to go places. A Well-Organized Government has a army to defend itself and the had made wepads to help fight like the made Chariots to help move around.
During ancient Egypt, civilization was brought about because the people picked a ruler, or king. “Two of the most important sources of life for the ancient Egyptians were the Nile River and the Pharaoh” (William). At the time, society was very hierarchical; the society was divided into two groups: the privileged people and the majority. The king kept control and managed everything ranging from politics to religion.
After Mesopotamia came Ancient Egypt. Like their predecessor, they followed a Theocracy Monarchy as well. Egypt has Isolationism which increased their unity, security, and stability. However it caused no progress to be made. They use the irrigation from the previous society to revitalize agriculture. They were able to build great historical pieces like the Great Pyramid. The military was able to conquer land such as Nubia. Egypt changed religions to their idea of personal piety. Akhenaten created the monotheism worship of
(doc 1) The cultures of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia developed into successful The cultures of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia developed into successful civilizations because they built lot’s and they tried to survive for as long as they could. To begin, the Egyptians used any source or form of water that they could find. Like when the Egyptian Civilization was set up next to the Nile river, they depended on it for many things. Like, when the Nile overflowed and it helped them make good farming soil for their crops.
Ancient civilizations have been a great reference of the origins of life as it is nowadays. Major civilizations that have flourished throughout history have been very different but alike in many ways; as we can clearly see with ancient civilizations Egypt and Mesopotamia. Similarities and differences were multiple among these two civilizations, however the most noticeable aspects to contrast them are through their social organization, Literature and Culture, as well as their economies and interactions with other civilizations. This is not a sign of weakness or superiority among one another, but a sign of great development of two major culture. Mesopotamia and Egypt were both socially structured from patriarchal families and elitist governments, both possessed great architectural forms to show hierarchies and , yet there was a wider range of overcoming social classes in Egyptian society (especially for commoners) and a contrast from a central government to a city-state regulation system. Similarities in literature and culture were really abundant between this two civilizations; coming from writing systems of similar structures (cuneiform and hieroglyphics) and polytheistic religious views, they differed in record keeping ways and practices in religious afterlife processes. Trade was a main aspect for both civilizations and it was a major point of convergence between the two as they
There are many civilizations in history that contributed to the rise of modern day society. All of the things that we see today have been in some way shape or form improved upon to stand the test of time. From the structures of buildings, religion and pyramids, to the influence of art, it all played a part. The ancient civilization of the Egyptians was one of the most significant and well known cultures to ever have existed and technology wise, they were light years ahead.