
Compare And Contrast El White And Ellen White

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Comparing Visions of the End Times Ellen White and William Foy both had visions from God. They were both chosen by God to receive vivid pictures of what the Second Coming will be like. In many ways their visions are very similar, however, they have some differences. The two visions were about a group of people that either overcame an obstacle or they did not. Those that overcame the obstacle with the help of their guide, went to a place that we know to be as heaven. While perusing the articles I found some of these similarities and differences to be very intriguing and some being more substantial than others. The first similarity, and one of the most important ones, is in the beginning of both Ellen White’s vision and William Foy’s vision. In both of their visions they had an obstacle to face. Not just them, but a group of people had an obstacle to face. Ellen White is placed on a narrow path, while William Foy had to cross over a mountain. Ellen White and William Foy, both overcame their obstacles. After overcoming their obstacles, they both witnessed the ones that overcame the obstacles with them getting marks on their foreheads. However, in William Foy’s account those names came from a book, but there is no mention of a book in Ellen White’s vision. Ellen White talks about seeing the 144,000. From studying the Bible, we know that this is a term given to the saved. It is a perfect number given to God’s people. She says that they had marks on their foreheads and they were

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