
Compare And Contrast Goblin Market And The Lady Shalott

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Very Tempting
During the 1800s, women were completely controlled by the men in their lives. Most of their fathers controlled their lives in order to find them a good spouse. They had to behave a well manner to not be looked down as a harlot or a slut. In “Goblin Market” by Christina Rossetti, the writer uses the goblins as men tempting to give two woman sexual pleasure. In Alfred Tennyson’s ‘The Lady Shalott’, he uses an imprison woman to show how woman were supposed to behave in the 1800s. Both Rossetti and Tennyson poems focus on temptation in woman society the Victorian era, however the temptation leads to different outcome to depict readers that it could either cause good fortune or death. In the “Goblin Market”, Rossetti uses the goblins …show more content…

The writer show how the lady was being locked in a tower to be protected from temptation. “ Flowing down to Camelot./ Four gray walls, and four gray towers/ Overlook a space of flowers,/ And the silent isle imbowers/ The Lady of Shalott./ Underneath the bearded barley,/ The reaper, reaping late and early,/ Hears her ever chanting cheerly,/Like an angel, singing clearly(15-21).” The locking away of the lady represents the protection of her purity and innocence by her family or society. This let readers understand how Tennyson see woman being treated in society during that era. Tennyson uses her purity being locked away cause by a powerful male figure or by a dominant society as a whole. The writer bring up a conflict in the poem, being that the lady was cursed but didn’t know what the curse was “No time hath she to sport and play:/ A charmed web she weaves alway./A curse is on her, if she stay/Her weaving, either night or day,/ To look down to Camelot./She knows not what the curse may be;/ Therefore she weaveth steadily,/Therefore no other care hath she,/The Lady of Shalott./ She lives with little joy or fear./ Over the water, running near,/ The sheepbell tinkles in her ear./ Before her hangs a mirror clear,” This shows how the lady her a curse on her that she knows of but doesn’t know the consequences of breaking the curse show lives in

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