
Compare And Contrast Halloween Vs Christmas

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Daisy Fregoso
Jacob Haeberle
English 1101
September 28, 2015
Halloween vs. Christmas

Holidays in the United States differ from others around the world. Two unique holidays celebrated in the states are Halloween and Christmas. The two holidays differ in tradition and decoration, but occur roughly during the same time of year.
Halloween originated from a festival of the northern European culture. This holiday and the ideas that tie along with the concept of Halloween were brought to the United States from the Celts. The Celts believed that on October 31 ghosts would return from the dead and back to earth. In the European culture Halloween is a time where spirits care able to come into contact with the real world. This day was called Samhian. Traditions such as costumes and trick-or-treating. The idea of costumes dated back hundreds of years ago. They were meant to be used as a disguise to avoid being recognized by ghosts. According to the staff of …show more content…

Rather than the spooky vibe given from the Hallloween traditions, Christmas tridions are give off more of a cheery, happy, uplifting vibe. Christmas is typically a Christian holiday that revolves around the birth of Jesus Christ. Today, however, we celebrate this event not only to honor his birth, but also to gather those close to one another and exchange gifts. In the States, there is a legend about a man, Santa Clause. Santa Clause was brought to the U.S. from a monk from modern day Turkey in 280 AD. The legend has evolved since then. The story of santa Clause goes like this. All year long children who behaved naughty or nice received their own list. Those who behaved naughty would receive nothing but a lump of coal, and those who were nice received a gift from Santa Clause. The night before Christmas, children would leave out a batch of cookies and a glass of milk for him on his long trip around the

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