Both Hannibal and Mao Zedong were the great leaders of their remarkable journeys. They leaded thousands of people to their distant destination. These journeys happened in the different time – one was BC, while the other was hundred years back. In the same way, the leaders did that because they wanted people to escape their hometown because of risks. About 90,000 people were with Hannibal in the journey, while Mao Zedong had around 86,000 people travelled with him. However, there were no elephants in case of Mao Zedong and people of Hannibal took no guns. Environmental conditions killed both group of people. Additionally, Hannibal’s people were attacked by local tribesmen. The marching of Hannibal took 16 years to reach his final stop, while
The conditions were hard and some of of Arnold’s men deserted and took much-needed supplies with them. Arnold was left with 600 men and they were reduced to eating candles, dogs, and shoe leather. After they marched through the 350 miles of snow and rain Arnold earned the undying respect of his men and the nickname as America’s Hannibal.
Dictatorship throughout the ages has mainly led to oppression and conflict between people and government. Some of the notoriously bad dictators took office around the 1920’s and 1930’s. There were three main dictators in that time period and they all ran different countries in very different ways. Josef Stalin was known as the dictator of the Soviet Union, he was all about communism and did not care if there was opposition to his ideas. On the other hand, Benito Mussolini was in charge of Italy and all about fascism. Possibly the worst known dictator of all times was Hitler, in charge of, Germany, he was all about Nazism. Each had a different outlook on ruling, but they all did things similarly to lead to nations hatred against them. Basically, their ultimate goal was to do what was best for their countries, however, there want for power tended to get in the way. They all wanted to accomplish many things, they used many different ideas and ways to run their nations. They were all blamed for their nations demise in one way or another. This essay will discuss the similarities and differences between Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.
There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini shared many similar characteristics. They shared movements that were typical of National Socialism: they adopted a radical nationalism, militaristic hierarchies, violence, the cult of charismatic leadership, contempt for individual liberties and civil rights, an anti-democratic and anti-socialist orientation, and a refusal to socialize industries.
According to Mao Zedong and Hannibal Barca’s journal, there are several similarities and differences between their journeys. First of all, they both had to march across many mountains that were very dangerous. They also had a lot of people killed while travelling to their destination. Secondly, they had different travelling routes. Mao Zedong and his men walked from the south of China to the Shaanxi province, but Hannibal Barca and his army moved from Spain to Italy. Next, they both had long journey, but beginning time and troops were not the same. Hannibal Barca had begun his journey in May, 218 BC with 90000 men and 37 elements. However, Mao Zedong started walking on October, 16th with 86000 men and 30 women. Another difference is causes
Adolf Hitler was appointed German Chancellor on January 30, 1933. His regime brought citizens no guaranteed basic rights. In 1933, the first Nazi concentration camps were built. The initial camps imprisoned political opponents, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, gypsies, and others classified as dangerous. During Hitler’s first six years, German Jews had more than 400 decrees and regulations. The first major law against the Jews was, the “Law for Restoration of the Professional Civil Service” of April 7, 1933. That law made Jews and “politically unreliable” employees excluded from state service. The laws began to go further by, restricting the numbers of Jews in schools and colleges, and taking business away from Jewish doctors and
Through out all of history we have seen so many heroes and villains all over the world. But one place in particular was in China, with a leader who goes by the name of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong was a well-known communist leader in china who actually lead the Chinese Communist Party. He is one of the most important people/historical figures in history. At first he was helping China at the beginning of his ruling, nut then his actions had cause China to completely fall and breakout into violence and complete chaos!! Changing the views of his people because whatever good he had done did not matter anymore from his great down fall. During his ruling though some believed that Mao
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are 2 notoriously known people in world history. Both Stalin and Hitler are known for the great number of deaths they have caused. Although both men have totally different reasons on why they killed so many people their ways of leadership are somewhat alike.
First, both journeys were taken by foot. Mao and Hannibal are the journeys that traveled through the country by foot taking and took on the long path, but they happened on different time. A second way in which these two journeys are similar is that they had to take the journeys across the dangerous. Them journeys took on with bloody battles. Mao’s caravan had to walk from south to north of China with avoiding from death to save them life in the same way Hannibal’s caravan had to struggle with Romans however Mao had more modern equipment. Moreover, they were established by a lot of citizens. The journeys of Mao include about
Hitler and Stalin will probably go down in history as two of the greatest known evil leaders of the 20th Century. You might ask what could bring two men to become the menaces they were. What kind of upbringing would cause someone to turnout the way they did?
There are various similarities and differences between Mao’s journey and Hannibal’s journey. First of all, their objective for crossing is different. For Mao’s march, it is for revolutionizing against government and surviving the chase. On the other hand, Hannibal’s march is for making a surprise attack against Roman Empire to rebuild the Carthaginians Empire. Albeit they both have different objective, they both suffered massive casualties despite the fact that their numbers of musketeer are different. Secondly, and also the last thing is the aftermath from the march. For the Hannibal’s march, they finally reach the Roman Homeland and start to attack. At first it was successful. Then the inescapably defeat reaches him as a result of losing
There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini shared many similar characteristics. They shared movements that were typical of National Socialism: they adopted a radical nationalism, militaristic hierarchies, violence, the cult of charismatic leadership, contempt for individual liberties and civil rights, an anti-democratic and anti-socialist orientation, and a refusal to socialize industries.
There were differences between Hitler and Napoleon, however I feel there were more similarities. They were both immigrants in the country they ended up ruling, both conquered most of Europe, both had radical views about fighting, and both were very quick in their fighting. However, the most significant similarities between the two leaders is how they were accepted as monarchs in a previously democratic society, and what they did for the countries after becoming monarchs.
Two very different leaders, one liked by many and one despised by many, are Ho Chi Minh and Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s hatred of communists completely opposes Ho Chi Minh’s ideas. However, both Minh and Hitler wanted liberation and independence for their countries to be able to function independently. They both spent their lives attempting to gain their wishes of attaining the government they viewed as best for the countries. Minh’s goal was to get Vietnamese independence from the French and to blend Communism with Nationalism. When Minh was forced to leave China because the nationalists wanted to get rid of left wing radicals, he decided to go to Russia, joined the Comintern, but continued travelling back and forth. He became the leader of the Vietnamese communist party and started a revolution with the end goal of the independence of Indochina. Like Hitler, he was placed in prison for his wishes that went against the governmental ideas that he hoped would result in freedom. After his time in prison, he founded the Viet Minh in order to finally gain independence for Vietnam. The Japanese gave up Northern Vietnam, and Ho Chi Minh established himself as president of the Democratic state of Vietnam. Hitler also established himself as a leader and decided to take matters into his own hands. Ho Chi Minh and the Vietcong were then able to defeat the anti communist French controlled South Vietnam in the battle Dien Bien Phu. Minh fought for the freedom of others, did not let his power get to his head, and was able to get the people what they wanted, and was not fighting on behalf of himself, rather for others.
Throughout all the worlds significant and powerful leaders, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were two men that similarly abused their powers in ways never seen before.
Fascism was a totalitarian political movement that developed after 1919 as a reaction against the political and social changes brought about by World War 1 and the spread of socialism and communism. It flourished between 1919 and 1945 in several countries, mainly Germany, Spain, Italy, and Japan. Fascism is a form of totalitarian dictatorship that had ideals such as extreme nationalism, economic self sufficiency and military strength. The dictators abolished all opposition against them and basically took complete control of the lives of everyone in their country.