After years of a close friendship, pop singers Katy Perry and Taylor Swift start a fued over back-up dancers that were originally on Swift’s tour but switched to Perry’s, find themselves to be foes. With Swift’s new song “Bad Blood” rumoured to be about Perry, both make attacks at eachother over the social media. “I am Katy Perry,’ queen of Cali. Watch out Taylor, because i’m a dark horse, and you’re going to hear me roar. I’m wide awake. Woke up form that teenage dream without any makeup on. You’re hot and cold but this is a part of me that you can never take away from me, I know you’re jealous of my style and rhyme. You got worked up over your
The rumored feud between Taylor Swift, 25, and Kendall Jenner, 19, started making the rounds since the model started dating Harry Styles, which happened to be the pop superstar’s ex-boyfriend. Earlier this week, several reports came out claiming that Kendall’s refusal to make a cameo appearance in Taylor’s “Bad Blood” video is the very reason of the dispute. The model was reportedly offered a chance to appear on the much-anticipated music video. However, Kendall declined the offer to be a part of the all-star cast and her decision has been a major source of tension in her friendship with the singer.
Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus, when you hear those names, you don’t usually associate them together. They both have very different lives. For example; Miley, not to long ago, kind of went crazy, whereas Taylor has always stuck to her roots. Both of these talented ladies may have their differences, but they also have their similarities. Let me tell about a few.
We have no idea what actually happened between her and Katy Perry. I didn’t realize you had to live and breathe feminist ideology and get along with every woman on earth. She and Nicki Minaj get along fine, Nicki herself has said how much she loves her. Beyonce and Jay Z are her friends. Yes, she’s said some things that sounded entitled. SHE APOLOGIZED. SHE ADMITTED SHE WAS WRONG. Yes, she’s written songs with homophobic (one song, from her first album when she was 16) and slut-shaming lyrics, but she hasn’t released a song like that in over 5 years and has apologized many times for all of it. Yes, she said there’s “special place in hell for women who don’t help other women” because Tina Fey and Amy Poehler made a comment while hosting an award show. Yes, it was a joke. Taylor could have ignored it or responded better to it, but it happened to be during the height of her media scrutiny and she was just fucking tired of people making jokes. How would you feel if every news outlet was making you out to be some psycho serial dater? You’d probably say something you shouldn’t have either. PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES. SHE’S A HUMAN BEING, and she’s not perfect. Also, PEOPLE CHANGE. People learn. 5 years ago I thought slut shaming was okay. I was racist and homophobic. Now I KNOW BETTER, and I can guarantee Taylor does too, otherwise she wouldn’t have admitted she was wrong. She identifies as a feminist. She supports equality for all people. That’s what feminism is. She’s extremely influential to girls all over the world. There are probably girls out there who are identify as feminists now only because Taylor Swift does. It encouraged them to be as well. She tells her fans that they’re beautiful because all people are beautiful and that they are not defined by someone else’s opinion of them. She has
Taylor Swift, a pop icon and polarizing figure, is often known for her empowering music, feminist attitude, and meaningful lyrics. Many of her fans praise the feminist messages some of her songs deliver, however others say she comes from a position of privilege and only advocates for white women. Still, a common perception of Swift is that she has evolved from an innocent country singer into a more controversial and sometimes provocative pop singer. What is ignored though, is that despite this perception, themes depicted in “old” Taylor’s music still displayed highly problematic concepts about gender, just in less obvious ways. Particularly in her music video for “You Belong With Me,” the audience if presented with a fulfilling love story involving a nerdy girl getting the popular. On its surface, this concept may seem normal, but the narrative of this video unintentionally conveys significant gender issues in today’s society. Thus, through her 2008 music video for “You Belong With Me,” Taylor Swift ironically presents herself as the ideal nerdy girl next door who gets the guy when she suddenly turns beautiful while demonizing a cheerleader, revealing problematic notions of how women are supposed to look and behave in society, as well as reinforcing negative female stereotypes.
“Taylor is a good artist and I think she should be recognized for her work, but the credit and praise she gets is absolutely crazy. She is no better than other people in her genre, “ said Summers. The detestation Swift gets is almost as noticeable as the love she receives, but the argument that Swift haters are biased simply because Taylor is an easy target is definitely prominent. “She gets a lot of hate that other artists of her size don’t get, but in reality, it isn’t like she’s done anything “bad” to receive it,” said Vi Prolskey. “Many men in the music industry have proven themselves to be questionable in their morals and actions, yet nobody seems to treat them with the same levels of public scrutiny as her.
Along with Taylor Swift saying this will be a new her, she is also referencing multiple other celebrities throughout the music video. Some say that when she is lying in a bathtub full of diamond jewelry she is making fun of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West when they had been robbed. Kim and Kanye were robbed in Paris while being at gunpoint. She also referenced Katy Perry multiple times. Including, when she crashed her car into a light post and had the exact same hair and an outfit style as Katy Perry would have. Which is Taylor is making fun of Katy saying that she is a drama queen and needs the attention of the paparazzi. She also references Katy by showing her walking a cheetah on a leash and Katy Perry is known for cheetah print and exotic things. Another person Taylor shows reference to be Tom Hiddleston with the black crop top t-shirts saying “I Love Taylor Swift” which is significant because Tom and Taylor dated for about three months, but Taylor broke it off because Tom wanted to go public and Taylor knew what
Two women from two different backgrounds have so much in common yet they are so different. One grew up in Houston, Texas while the other grew up in Saint Michael, Barbados. Even though these two women have had very different up bringing the one thing they have in common is their great voices. These two women’s background, musical style, and other career ventures make them both two of the best female artist in their field.
The first trace of filler, but definitely not the last. Then when the album’s lead single was revealed in August the track song "Shake it off" , most of us were willing to play along with its playful, anti-hater spirit but the breakdown, in which Swift tries her hand at schoolyard rapping, gets more and more cringe-worthy on every listen. Memories of a relationship are recalled on wistfully on “Wildest Dreams” with a heartbeat rhythm, some wispy production and echoing vocals. Almost sounding like a track from Lana Del Rey with its eroticism style. Which is not usually a part of Swift’s vocabulary, but she gets tantalizingly close, here, when she sings “no one has to know what we do, his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room.” Makes us think about a wilder side of Taylor, something I did not expected from her. Another Antonoff collaboration, which sounds directly influenced by the circling beats and spearing guitars of New Order’s sublime 1989 single is “True Faith.” But Swift’s regretful lyrics aren’t especially engaging, and the song passes largely without incident or interest. The pre-release buzz for “1989” had this pegged as a potential Katy Perry smack down and while there’s definitely beef here, it’s delivered in plastic jerky form instead of prime sirloin. The
I feel worthless cause my shirt wasn’t matching my gear/ I’m just scratching the surface/ cause what’s buried under there/ is a kid torn apart once his pop disappeared/ I went to school/ got good grades/ could behave when I wanted/ but I had demons deep inside/ that were raised when confronted/…Now all the teachers couldn’t reach me/ and my momma couldn’t beat me hard enough/ to match the pain of my pop not seeing me so/ with that disdain in my membrane/ got on my pimp game/ f*** the world/ my defense came/ (December 4th)
Katy Perry is a well-known pop singer, songwriter and musician from America. She was born on 25 October 1984 in Santa Barbara, California. She has a pair of pastor parents and two siblings include an elder sister and a younger brother. As growing up in a deeply religious family, there was much common teenage stuff that not allowed to do by Perry and her siblings. For example, they only can listen to gospel instead of any other music when being in the house and therefore she had to secretly listen to other sorts of music which provided by her friends. She started to take the singing lessons around the age of 9 and learned to play guitar when she was 13. A passion for music grew around that time and thus she soon pursues a career in music at
Katy Perry has said that this song was inspired by her current
An example of women’s sexual pleasure in the media gets no bigger than with these two artist, Rihanna and Beyoncé. Back in 2010, Rihanna released a song titled, “S&M” meaning sadism and masochism which is performing or receiving abuse during intercourse. As states, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me. “The advancement of media has become since then a bit more socially acceptable. The increase of being socially has paved the path for recent media such as 50 shades of Grey to rise into popularity, as this song came before the movie or even the book was ever released.
From wearing cupcake bra outfits to performing in a lavish swimsuit, Katy Perry has demonstrated how women in the music industry use sex appeal to captivate their audience. In today’s society, it isn’t uncommon to see female artists in revealing, flashy outfits surrounded by flashing lights and steam. Artists such as Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj have certainly made news headlines for their audacious performances. In many cases, artists are presenting false images to their fans as an investment for future sales. Female artists continue to be sexually objectified by their audience, which increase their viewership, which leads to record labels pressuring artists to keep a sexy image.
When the video begins, the scene is very futuristic and then the amusement park is shown with the name of the amusement park being “OBLIVIA” a play on the word “oblivious” which represents being oblivious to the world around them. When Katy Perry first appears in the music video, she is the only one shown with pink hair and wearing white and blue eyeshadow, while everyone else is shown to be dressed in clothes from the 1950s and are either blonde or brunette. The people walking around the amusement park are shown wearing old fashioned clothes despite the park looking quite futuristic. At one point of the video, people are shown holding tablets and taking a photo of themselves being unaware of what is happening around them representing how we
Award/Grammy-winning singer & songwriter Taylor Swift is a world-famous artist, having roots in the world of country music. Taylor Alison Swift, pop’s top recording artist, was born December 13, 1989 in Reading, Wyoming. Named after country singer James Taylor, due to her parents admiration for country music, her legacy was already set and stone. She was to become a country singer and she realized that at very young age.