
Compare And Contrast Malcolm X And Sherman Alexie

Decent Essays

The new reading that I have chosen is Malcom X learning to read. My first core reading that I chose was called Superman and Me the authors are Malcom X and Sherman Lexie. Both of these authors have a lot of common. Both of these authors had a similarities of both having difficult time reading. I also know that Malcom X learned how to read while he was incarcerated and Sherman Alexie learned how to read overtime by reading the back of cereal boxes and learning different things from the classroom. The genres of the core readings are similar, both of the writings having the same genre of overcoming stereotypes and people not believing in you. As both authors at the end overcame each obstacle that they had about reading. Both of the authors shared so …show more content…

In each core readings the purpose of each was totally different. The purpose of Malcom X writing his story was to inform individuals where he came from before he got where he was at now, and if he didn’t get incarcerated he would still be dealing with the conflict of him not being able to read. Malcom X also sharing his story about who he looked up to in his story, which inspired him. Malcom X today is one the top known inspirational people that people look up to in life, Its pretty cool learning that Malcom X also looked up to someone. Sherman Alexie's purpose of writing mainly focused on stereotypes and getting through those stereotypes as a child.Sheman Alexie's purpose was to defiantly reach out to the kids who are being stereotyped now a days and basically encouraging them that you can do whatever you put your mind too and that nothing is impossible. Basically explaining what he went through while trying to reach his goal of how to read. Have you ever been stereotyped because of your race or your religion? Being said that you won’t be anything when you grow up because of your race. Not knowing that this is called

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