
Compare And Contrast Napoleon And Animal Farm

Decent Essays

Donald J. Trump and Comrade Napoleon, the pig from Animal Farm have a myriad of comparisons when it comes to leadership and doing what’s right for their nation. The way both see situations at times are quite similar and I feel that both have many similarities alike each other in a variety of ways. I found that Napoleon and trump have more likeness to completing tasks than I would have ever thought they did.
When you think of leadership, decision making is one of the most crucial attributes to directing a healthy nation. Behaving conservatively is extremely important when conducting a decision that affects other lives. A leader's job is exceptionally important meaning that every choice you make, will not only make a difference to your life, but your people as well. Donald Trump and Napoleon share this factor. Trump takes many risks when making important decisions. Risk taking is the only way you'll get to where you long to be, even though sometimes it does not go exactly as planned. Napoleon demonstrates this by prioritizing the education of the young. “He said that the education of the young was more important than anything that could be done for those who were already grown up. It happened that jessie and bluebell had both whelped soon after the hay …show more content…

Giving speeches, being interviewed, etc… takes a huge amount of self confidence, and if you don't have that, supporting others in their confidence can be extremely tough. Both Napoleon and Trump strongly collide into this characteristic. Donald Trump’s personality and interests are a perfect match for his various business ventures. He’s passionate about what he does and motivated others around him with that passion.This is where Napoleon’s attitude contracts with Trump's. He does what he thinks is right and expects the animals to follow because he has the confidence to do what he thinks is best, although sometimes, others may

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