
Compare And Contrast Obama's Four Freedom Speech

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I believe that freedom the idea of "freedom from fear" has not changed over time. There are many things in the world that change, such as the situation of a country's economy or a countries moral standpoint. I will be analyzing President Franklin Roosevelt's "Four Freedom Speech" and President Obama's welcome speech delivered whilst he was visiting a British Prime Minister in 2012.

President Roosevelt presented some very essential freedoms in his Four Freedoms Speech for the American people, and others in the world alike. These freedoms are “freedom of speech and expression – everywhere in the world,” “freedom of every person to worship God in his own way – everywhere in the world,” “freedom from want,” and “freedom from fear.” In his speech, President Roosevelt also mentions "that is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation..." which basically means that all these freedoms are attainable now if we as a people work toward them. He then makes it clear that a free nation stands for human rights everywhere, and mentions that America is a free nation. President Roosevelt is firm in his belief that these four freedom's are essential for a good society. …show more content…

In the same light, President Obama also shares the same want as President Roosevelt for freedom of fear for all people around the world, rather than just the American people. This is shown by this quote from President Obama's speech, "We believe in the universal rights of all people." He then goes on to say "We believe that our citizens should be able to live free from fear..." along with "...or endanger the globe with the world's most dangerous weapons." I believe this goes very well with President Roosevelt's fourth point of "freedom from fear" in which he also mentions he would like all people to be free from fear, along with a reduction in

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