
Compare And Contrast River Valley Civilizations

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All of the Early River Valley Civilization have contributed in a good variety of ways. The three empires (Egypt,Sumer,and Indus) are similar in their own contributions.
The biggest similarity the three civilizations had were record keeping. Sumer had created a system called cuneiform. Egypt developed a system of writing called hieroglyphs. The indus developed a written language made up of 400 symbols. Record keeping was very important to all three civilizations because they needed recording events for taxes, wars, and religious texts which was a success for each culture civilization. So the three Early River Valley civilizations used a written language that helped them effectively. Another similarity the three river valley civilizations had in common was that they all believed in the same thing. The three civilizations were polytheism. Polytheism means that you believe in many gods. The egyptians had believed in over 2,000 gods and that there was a god for every temple. The sumerians believed that each god had there own city they would watch over. The indus believed the government was controlled by god and hinduism. Polytheism was powerful in the …show more content…

One difference would be that how each civilization would contribute to modern age. The sumerians first invention was the potter wheel. Egyptians developed the first calendar. They also invented algebra and geometry. They also were the first to use medicine and surgery. Sumerians were the first to discover bronze. Sumer needed the government, Since sumer was so large. They 30,000 people. Sumer was so large that there were needs for specialized workers. The Indus developed a production of textile. Textiles are yped of cloth or woven fabric. Indus biggest invention was the advanced sewage system. The indus city built a mud brick platform to protect from flooding. They also used domesticated animals such as elephants and

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