
Compare And Contrast Rome And America

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Ancient Rome was one of the largest and most powerful empire ever in history. It was an empire that thrived during 117 AD. Some people believed there would be nothing like ancient Rome ever again. That is until America showed some interesting similarities with Rome after World War II. America’s impressive military and leadership skills is what sparked people to compare it to Ancient Rome. When they did people took a closer look they found some more parallels between the two (Farnam Street 2011). After seeing these similarities people started to wander if the two nations were similar enough for America to fall or share the same fate as the Ancient Empire. To figure out the most logical solution to this question historians usually look at similarities …show more content…

They have many similarities between them including the fact that their government is set off of very similar ideas, their political classes have or are most likely going to have tension and division between them, and they both spend much more resources and money on their military. These are the main parallels between them that people usually examine however when people look at these similarities they forget about how America and Ancient Rome are not the only nations or empires that have dealt with these problems. These things have happened to other societies in the past before as well, it is just that Rome did not take the necessary steps to keep itself from disaster. America could definitely be going down the same road but America is still young and can change and learn from mistakes. Not only that but America has another distinct advantage over Rome. America encourages its citizens to pursue education and inventions. This made it so America is leading in its era unlike Rome which was depending on others. For these important differences between the ancient empire, Rome, and America anthropologist have come to a decision that no America is not a modern day Rome or the new Rome and most importantly will not collapse like the ancient empire

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