Compare and contrast
Christmas Carol Book VS. Christmas Carol Movie
Are you into the Christmas spirit where everyone is enjoying their time with their family, then the Christmas carol is the right book for you. Today I am going to be discussing about the similarities and the differences between the book and the movie in the book and the movie Scrooge was the main character they both had the part where Scrooge had an argument with his Nephew. In the movie and the book they had the same types of lessons learned. The difference is that in the movie Scrooge had a dog while in the book, it never mentions that Scrooge had a dog. Another difference is that in the Christmas Carol movie they sang while in the book they never sang. Another difference
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One of the difference is that In the movie Scrooge had a dog while In the book It never mentions Scrooge having a dog, the dog appears in the movie allot and play a major role in protecting Scrooge and guarding the house in the movie the dog seems like he just trying to have some fun but when he is with Scrooge he need to be serious. But at the end when Scrooge learns his lesson, the dog was very happy and enjoying his time just like a normal dog. Another difference is that in the movie they sang while in the book the never sang, Well In a book it is very hard to show the reader your singing while in the movie it is easy to show facials expressions and singing. Another difference is that in the book, Scrooge said to Bob Crachit he will double his salary while in the movie he said that he will raise Bob Crachit salary both have totally different meaning. Pretend If some gave me twenty dollars for babysitting and he raises it to twenty five dollars because he thinks I did a good job and pretend as if someone else gave me twenty dollars for mowing his lawn and he feels like I did a good job and doubles it to forty. See both have totally different
The first difference that caught my eye was how there was no cat, in the book there was a cat named, Sammie, and Sammie always got stuck in one of Billy’s traps. But in the movie
One difference in the movie was that the Ghost of Christmas yet to come has a hand of skin. Not a hand without skin that was wrote in the book. I think that this makes a difference though because it doesn't show a big impact on the story. I think Charles Dickens put the skinless hand in his story to give his story a "chill-factor". I don't think that the director of the movie version of A Christmas Carol thought that it was a big deal or a big impact to the rest of the story. Another difference between book and movie is that Scrooge doesn't go to church at the end of the story. I think it makes a big difference though, because it shows how much Scrooge has changed since the three spirits came to visit him. It shows a before and after effect which I think made a big impact on the story. The last significant change between the book and the movie is that when Scrooge follows the Ghost of Christmas yet to come, he ends up falling into his grave. This is significant because Scrooge gets to meet the old Scrooge and gives him a slap in the face of reality of what's going to happen if things don't change. It's ironic too because it's the new Scrooge that wakes up on the bed in the morning.
Twas the night before Christmas, two creatures on trial, one who is cheap, and the other who is vile. The Grinch from Dr. Seuss’s, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Ebenezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol are head to head against each other to be the meanest this Christmas. The Grinch is a putrid green monster who lives up in a deep, dark cave, hating all cheer. Scrooge is a miser who hates all human life and never buys anything that’s not cheap. The Grinch is meaner because he goes down to Whoville, rips everything with holiday cheer away from the poor Whos, and doesn’t even care, he just smiles with hatred to Christmas. He does all this just for the fun of it.
When the socs and the greasers are going to have the big rumble in the book Darry asks if anyone wants to fight him but in the movie the person that he fight in both the book and movie says he will fight him. After the big rumble Dally and Ponyboy go to see Johnny who is almost dead and after he dies Ponyboy freaks out in the book and thinks he's not dead but in the movie it is only Dally. In the book Dally goes and robs a grocery store but in the movie he robs the gas station. When Dally leaves in the movie the guy shoots Dally and injures him but in the book he never had a gun. When Dally is shot by the police he is shot at the park in the movie but in the book he is shot in the street under the lamppost. There is so much more differences in the movie but it would be impossible to say them all so that is all of the differences i found from the book and
From the story, “A Christmas Carol”, to the movie, “Scrooged”, there are many similarities and differences in the characters, symbols and even plot although much of it is due to the change in setting from the early 1840’s to the late 1980’s. Beginning with characters, Ebenezer Scrooge carries his overall theme of generosity or lack thereof into the movie where he is referred to as Frank Cross. Cross shows this in his Christmas gifts that he gives out to family and employees which happen to be no more than a fluffy towel. Scrooge expresses his lack of generosity by giving Bob Crachit, his employee, little to no christmas bonus and being unhappy with his request to take Christmas day off. In both the book and movie, Scrooge and Cross both start out with a very annoyed and almost depressed demeanor, both having a short temper and being very dismissive towards others. Cross was vain and very dedicated to his television company while Scrooge was a workaholic and the only thing he cared about was money. He also craved isolation as he would return home
The 3 major differences that were seen are the shattering of the conch, the pilot’s presence, and Ralph’s attitude towards Piggy. Due to these major differences the novel left a greater impact on its readers than the movie on its viewers. Seeing the movie and as well reading the book, personally the book was a better. The book has a very different approach of that showed these 3 major differences to their full extent. Out of the two though, I would choose the book as more pleasant and
“ Spirit, hear me. I am not he man I was. I will not be the man I have been for so many years. Why show me all of this if I am past all hope? Assure me that I yet may change these shadows you have shown me. Let the boy live! I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.” (Scrooge, p.140). A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is an important story as it has a meaningful theme of change, as the quotes states above. But that isn’t the only theme that this beautiful story shows us. Many different spirits encounter him to help him realize why Christmas is important (I’m pretty sure that is the meaning of the spirits). When the first spirit of the past encounters him, he realizes what he has done, and regrets some of the things he did. The second spirit helped Ebenezer Scrooge recognize how what he has been doing has had an impact in other peoples life. When the frightening third spirit came and showed him his future and others futures, he discovers about himself and how people didn’t care that he died. When we read A Christmas Carol, we learn that it can have many different themes that can be a very important component to the story and even our lives.
“I am not the man I once was…” (Dickens 675) might be the most famous words of Ebenezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol” Written by Charles Dickens. Ebenezer Scrooge is a horrible man who is haunted by three spirits overnight in hopes to make a new man out of the old miser. Throughout this story, Ebenezer Scrooge is haunted by three spirits ,Christmas present, past, and future, and during this time he learns about his greed, what joy he missed on christmas, and that he had a chance to become better.
The novels A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, and Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte display a strong parallel in the ways in which they use their different styles of narration in the story to reveal the true inner-feelings of characters. In A Christmas Carol, the main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, is taught many valuable lessons through the testament of three different spirits, each working to bring out the true emotions of this man. Likewise, in Wuthering Heights, the main character, Mr. Lockwood, is taught stories of his landlord, Mr. Heathcliff, through written recollections from the testaments of others, showing the inner-feelings and thoughts of him through diary entries. Although they are written in two different styles, indirect
old sinner! Hard as a steel and sharp as a flint, from which no steel
a prison or a treadmill; he did not think for a second that the places
Change can have an outcome of bad or good, usually it is the change of good and better. In Scrooge & Marley: A Christmas Carol, Scrooge realizes more of the events that take place in the story, and this realization causes Scrooge to change for the good. Scrooge’s character changes, which causes him to carry the character traits of grateful, thoughtful, and apologetic. As a result Scrooge changes from his realization and then changes to become grateful.
The book and the movie are also different in many ways. The book had more detail in some things but the movie has a better way of showing it. One of the ways that it is different is in the movie Scrooge sold corn to the three men at the bank but in the book that never happened at all! Another thing that was different between the movie
Both the book and DVD are similar and different in many ways. One way that the movie and book of “A Christmas Carol” are similar is most of the sequence of events. In both the book and DVD it starts out by introducing the characters and then starting the plot of the story. Another way that they are similar is that they both involve a man named Ebenezer Scrooge as the main character. Scrooge is the main person who in both the movie and book, is in most of the events. The last way that they are similar is that they both involve three spirits that come and take Ebenezer on adventures into the past, present and future.
If “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens and the movie inspired by the book, “A Christmas Carol” by Jim Carrey can be different, but the same plot, then imagine how many other movies inspired by books out there that are the same way! Though both forms of literature are based off of the same plot, they do have their fair share of differences and similarities like any other adaption to a book. Even if it’s the slightest bit changed, it still will stick out like a sore thumb! It’s crazy how similar and different the book and movie can be at the same