1. My highest score was a 9 in avoidance.
2. Yes
3. I do tend to avoid conflict and situations in which there may be conflict, I scored an 8 in compromising. I feel like I use both styles to address conflict.
4. My preferred style doesn’t usually work well for me because I never address my concerns, but it helps me to not overreact to a situation. When I am in an argument I tend to say hurtful things that I don’t mean, but avoiding a conflict can give both parties time to think before they speak which can be very helpful in a conflict situation. I use the compromising style when there is something we can agree on. When I use the compromising style I seem to be happier with the outcome.
5. I scored points in all of the styles so I use
In the 1960’s Birmingham, Alabama was a much different place. Strict segregation laws caused anger among the African American citizens of Birmingham, along with most people of America. Many nonviolent protestors were arrested and put in jail, cramming 60 people in a jail cell, which was meant to hold 10 people. Martin Luther King Jr. tried to stop segregation and even went to jail due to a nonviolent campaign. While he was in jail, he received a letter from the minsters of Birmingham claiming his campaigns and demonstrations were unwise. King wrote the “Letter From Birmingham Jail” as a peaceful response. Martin Luther King Jr. uses logical appeal to catch the attention of the ministers of Birmingham.
This activity will help you determine your natural style for dealing with conflict. It is useful to assess your predominant conflict management style(s) because we all tend to prefer one or two of the styles and at times may apply them inappropriately.
At home, with my husband, any conflict we have, I know needs to be addressed and addressed in a way where I am confronting him immediately and being completely honest. I can use the words I wish to use as they come to me and can say exactly what I am feeling without sugar coating it. At work, with my coworkers, any conflict that occurs, I must strategically think about how to address the conflict, when to address it and the process that will occur after addressing the conflict.
My conflict style that I think best describes me is collaborating. I do like to have a conversation after conflict and solve problem, and I like to make a person feels that it it win-win situation. I don't want to have a conflict with someone and keep thinking that he or she thinks bad things about me. So, even when I know the person was wrong, but he or she doesn't not accept the wrong doing. I try to make it win-win-situation just to keep moving without thinking bad thing. In fact, In collaborating style, many potential problems could arise, such as blaming each other, regret after conflict, not agreed
I find that my desire to avoid can put off the wrong vibe to those under my care. The last thing I want people to think of me when it comes to conflict is that I attempt to avoid it at all cost. That can be casted in a negative light. The greatest room for improvement for me in this area is using this style more out of habit than using it when necessary. Since I scored high, there is a good chance I am overusing this style. I have to be more intentional in how I deal with conflict. Though I tend to see conflict as a disruption in the flow and the work at hand and in my opinion it causes unnecessary stress so I only attempt to address it when it is unavoidable. This can hurt my leadership position in a lot of cases and I must learn to use it
Avoiding the conflict does not require strength or consideration for the other person involved. When you avoid the conflict, you are pretending that it never happened or does not exists anymore. This style of conflict is when you simply avoid the issue altogether. This style does not work toward reaching the goal of either parties involved. This style can be effective when the atmosphere is emotionally charged and you need to create space (Meier,
I, (Michael Nisan) scored the highest on compromising for my conflict-handling style self-assessment. So far the whole team has scored the highest on compromising which shows why we’ve been working together without any issues. Being that I scored the highest on compromising this is will benefit my team because I am assertive and cooperative. I try my best to stay updated and notice every message anyone posts, and assertive to help just in case the team needs it. Since the whole team scored the highest on compromising, we seem to have a pretty open-minded team, so if any issue did arise we are able to address it directly rather than avoid it. Because we are willing to trade some needs to be more effective and willing to cooperate for the greater
his influence on drama reaches modern times. Aristophanes was a prolific and much acclaimed comic playwright of ancient Greece, sometimes referred to as the Father of Comedy. Eleven of his forty plays have come down to us virtually complete (along with up to with 1,000 brief fragments of other works), and are the only real examples we have of a genre of comic drama known as Old Comedy. Aristophanes’ works recreate the life of ancient Athens perhaps more convincingly than those of any other author, although his biting satire and ridicule of his contemporaries often came close to slander.
In a dispute, it's often easier to describe how others respond then to how we respond. Each of us has a predominant conflict style that we use to meet our own needs. By examining conflict styles and the consequences of those behaviors, we can gain a better understanding of the impact that our personal conflict style has on other people. With a better understanding, you then can make a conscious choice on how to respond to others in a conflict situation to help reduce work conflict and stress.
When managing interpersonal conflicts the best possible outcome would be attainable by using the Win-Win method because it is able to accommodate the individual needs of all parties involved in a conflict. The most logical reason as to why this is one of the most effective ways when it comes to relieving disagreements is because it requires you to understand the others’ underlying meanings in their evident messages. Contrasting the Win-Win approach, there are three other less successful techniques in order to sway a conflict. A Win-Lose situation is when one individual/group gets their aspirations granted, while the other individual/group suffers an absolute loss. Also, in a conflict that practices the Lose-Lose technique is when neither of the two individuals involved is satisfied with the outcome. The last optional method employed in a conflict is compromising. This is a way for both individuals involved to have only some of their requests met. Meanwhile, each individual separately forgoes the remainder of his or her requests. However, sometimes the Win-Win approach is not always attainable or realistic, so one may opt for the next best approach, compromise. This is often implemented when there is not enough time/desire to understand each other’s wants. Also, when the other party involved is clearly noncompliant in employing a Win-Win problem-solving method, we may stray more toward the decision to compromise
Separate assessments of my conflict style reveal that I have become primarily attuned with the integrating style of conflict management, which came as no surprise to me, as I found the results of the assessments to be accurate. However, the assessments also showed that I was nearly equal in the compromising style, leading them to be a near tie. I would be the first to admit that his has not always been the case. It has taken a fair amount of life experience and focused effort in order to move away from the predominate style of compromise
Without much research a reader might incorrectly conclude several statements about Hemingway’s style as it focuses on masculinity and is biased towards men. The short and choppy writing style with little emotion is deemed more of a masculine approach to writing, as it is assumed a feminine approach would be laden with more sensory and descriptive wording. Such an assumption is sexist in itself and there is no correlation linking his style to being biased towards men. Unusually long excerpts found in some Hemingway stories are justified by claiming that they are linked to male bonding scenes. While in some cases such as “The Three-Day Blow” that statement is true due to the story only being two males talking, that statement is not completely
The other principle that should be used in a conflict is Power Is Negotiated. I think this is important because you can’t always have your way, so it’s important to settle or give in so that you won’t have conflict; “Partners often negotiate which individual will have decision-making responsibility for what issue” ( Beebe & Redmond 232). Both parties in a relationship will have the chance to arbitrate, especially when it comes to making choices. If both individuals want their way, it’s best to negotiate for who gets what. An example could be a couple wanting to buy their first place and they have a conflict on the type of place they want to live in and the area that they should live. One wants to live in a house in the suburbs, but the other thinks a house is too many responsibilities. While the other wants to live in a condo. The couple negotiates and one says ok you can live in the condo but I decided the area we will live in. Another example would be if a couple has a child and the child is getting in trouble. So the parents won't have a conflict the parents would have to negotiate for which parenting method of discipline works the best. Their mom may have a strict approach to punishment and their dad may have a less
Out of the five conflict-handling styles my strongest style is avoiding. Now I wouldn’t consider this to be a good thing or the most productive way to handle conflicts, but in a lot of cases I personally have found myself avoiding conflict as much as possible because I am not a confrontational person. Though, I have learned that by avoiding the conflict occasionally it only makes the situation worse because it can be perceived as being passive aggressive. Although that is not my intentions I am just trying to avoid the encounter to prevent any other conflicts that may come about if confront the situation. Therefore, I am trying another tactic that will bring a more positive outcome to the uneasy situation, which is by integrating the conflict.
In regard to the forceful method of conflict resolution mentality, I believe that many times this is the most appropriate form to use. As time goes by, feelings often get in the way and alter ones true thoughts and ideas. Meaning, if someone is highly offended by the conflict, they may use their emotions. Politics and emotions in and amongst the office setting play a large role in multiple decisions that one again can impact the office as a whole. Therefore, your analyzation of the facts available to you are the most important as you stated. To date what do your believe was your best and worst decisions based upon the facts presented to