Some people have dangerous driving habits. They act as though there’s no one else on the road. They also seem unsure of where they’re going. Changing their minds from second to second, they leave it up to others to figure out what they’re going to do. Finally, too many people drive at speeds that are either too slow or too fast, creating dangerous situations for both drivers and
After reading “Driving While Stupid,” by Dave Barry, he tells us about some of his experience with seeing bad drivers. Barry uses many old experiences while being in Miami, China, Boston, and Argentina. I agree with this statement because in almost every city I been in the driving was terrible. Everyone, in some way or another, has witnessed people drive very stupid and reckless. Barry indicated that some drivers use insane driving techniques. These include driving very fast, failure of the utilization of headlights at night, and having distractions for the view of the drivers. He says that the drivers do not have a sequence for navigation since some are involved in phone calls, eating, reading, changing CDs, crowd surface makeup, etc. This is a common thing for teens and even adults to be distracted behind the wheel. He drove through various cities where the traffic laws are constantly being violated. For example, has only one traffic law, which is “No driver may ever be behind any other driver.” In his opinion, Miami drivers are the worst drivers that he has ever witness because of the guy who was driving on 1-95. He was watching videos on his phone and was clearly not paying attention to the road or any other drivers. This does not only affect him but also the other people around him. He was not be cautious of the road and putting his and others lives in danger.
“Driving while Stupid” is an article by Dave Barry that addresses the crazy thing people do while driving. In this article, Dave talks about his personal experience of reckless driving. One example includes how people in Boston drive as if they trying to jump through an open drawbridge. He talks about how people in Italy drive as if they shouldn’t drive behind any other driver and how they are trying to pass each other. Dave talks about how people in Argentinean drive fast even inside parking garages. Also, how they drive at night with their headlights off to extend the life of their bulbs. He even discussed how the bus driver in China would sometimes push people out of the way with the bus. Dave then explains that these are nothing compare
Nearly every driver is aware that speeding is dangerous. They are taught this fact in their driver's education course before getting their license and have doubtless heard plenty of public safety messages stating this. Yet, they continue to speed and contribute to the yearly carnage of speeding related fatalities. Why do they do this? As it turns out, there is no one single reason. Here are six common reasons why people speed:
One of the many types of drivers are the oblivious drivers. These drivers are the type who don't seem to realize they have company on the road and are being selfish with their actions behind the wheel. Oblivious drivers can be inattentive to just about anything and don't try to manage their concentration of their surroundings. Most of the time, oblivious drivers are not aware of other cars around them so they do things such as cutting people off, not turning their high-beams down, or even causing accidents. Oblivious drivers can also be unaware of the conditions they are driving in, whether it's weather, construction areas, or accident sites. To be an oblivious driver, you don't have to be a specific age or have an exact amount of experience; any one can be an oblivious driver. Oblivious drivers can be very dangerous and cause many accidents on the road ways.
Simply not paying attention to other motorist of the road can give way for an accident it is important to heed to all warnings and cautions of the road to ensure safety and well-being for any and all passenger or pedestrians on the road or not only will you be paying a ticket or fine but possibly some medical bills due to a careless at fault mistake through reckless
Just imagine driving down the road and a car swerves onto the opposite side and crashes into an oncoming car. Many things could have caused that driver to lose control of his car and create a dangerous situation. The driver could have been messing on different types of technology, trying to eat the croissants that was buy one get a coffee free at McDonald’s that morning or could have easily spilled the hot coffee all over the work outfit for the day. The driver could have had a late night and is now dozing off into the other lane and causing the dangerous crash. Many of the word’s drivers today have developed dangerous habits that could potentially put other people on the road in danger also.
There are three types of drivers in this world: competent, overcautious, and reckless. After driving for many years in frustrating rush hour traffic, one might find there are three types of drivers, competent drivers who keep the flow going, over cautious drivers who cause slow and backed up traffic, and reckless drivers who weave in and out of traffic causing one near death experience after another. Trying to sort out what type of driver a person might be is an extremely challenging task. In a person's own mind, they think they are the aggressive type of driver, or the cautious type, but no one will ever admit that they are reckless kind. In most cases they’re too oblivious to these classifications and all other
Talking on the phone can wait, no matter if it’s your friends or your family calling you. They should know that you are driving; they should understand that answering the phone can wait, while your life cannot. Your life is way more important than anything you own or able do to. Without your life your not able to do any of those things, so what’s the point in risking it. Many people aren’t very aware what vehicles are capable of doing, there are monsters, and accidents are one of the most reasons of death in the United States. People don’t know the consequences of driving unaware of the people around them. They can injure themselves or might hurt someone else. Which is way worse than anything, knowing that you injured or take someone’s life from them and their loved
Cars will try to cut in front of each other cars as fast as possible before realizing it had caused a crash that affects the delay. In March 2015, this girl’s car had slammed into my car because she was on her phone looking for the different route. Cell phones are one of the biggest of distraction to create reckless driving. The accident was just outside of Hennepin Tech on highway 169. Even though the road was pretty clear up of weather people tend not to never pay much attention. It’s the reason of being the rush and trying to get there first. Now my car is totally lost because of her being careless of not paying attention while driving. People need to stop getting heat up of being impatient while stuck in traffic, any careless mistake can easily happen to
Even with 1 simple distraction while driving, people don't understand that not only they are the ones who are in danger but everyone their around is in danger as well because I'm a split second almost anything can happen in a blink of an eye, anything! Tons of people have experienced near death incidents due to texting and driving and have developed a disability. All of them would wish to go back and change it all. Think about it for a second, if you've experienced a car crash and developed a major disability wouldn't you want to go back in time and change everything about what happened that tragic day? No one should have to suffer for mistakes you've made and if you don't want to end up in a certain way the best advice to give is to just make the right choice. Why is it so hard for people to choose the right over wrong? Is it really that hard? Some might not even think about that, some will just risk it all and go with the flow to eventually see what might happen which is not the right move. All it takes is 2 - 6 seconds with a blink of an eye for something to go wrong while texting and driving. Almost anything can happen which is
Dangerous driving habits result in the death of thousands of people each year; however, by taking steps to educate young drivers on dangerous habits behind the wheel; countless lives could be saved.
When it comes to someone getting behind a wheel it’s a big responsibility, you are not a passenger that could be doing different stuff you are now carrying with several lives and people are waiting for you at home. Many things cross our minds exactly when we are about to drive, but we need to learn how to ignore them and worry about getting where we supposed to be. Nowadays many accidents that occur on roads are caused by distracting driving and it seems easy to choose to do something such as: texting, eating or drinking, talking to passenger’s etcetera. “The best way to end distracted driving is to educate all Americans about the danger it poses” Not everyone realizes the danger it is being distracted while driving, but every distraction cause at least once to take our eyes off the road.
At first, these drivers appear to be neutral drivers, unnoticeable and in a car that one would be content to follow. Suddenly, these so-called “neutral drivers” become unpredictable and may slow down to ten miles per hour below the speed limit. They may also speed up to ten miles per hour above the speed limit or higher, thereby becoming a reckless driver. The common culprit of unpredictable drivers include the “soccer mom/dad,” distracted by screaming children. This is also true of any other distracted or overwhelmed driver (i.e. those eating, texting,
I do not know how many times I have been driving down the road when someone does something stupid, ranging from pulling out in front of me or tailgating. More and more drivers enter the road every year and it seems as if less and less of them know how to drive.
The question that should be asked is why are so many people are compelled to be dangerous drivers? It could be that there is a sense of invincibility when they are in control of a big powerful machine. This is often the case with younger male drivers, who enjoy the thrill of dangerous driving. In other instances normally calm, law abiding drivers snap in a fit of rage. This road rage can turn a driver from calm to instantly a monster behind the wheel,