The people of America and their government each owe their commitment to obey certain obligations to each other. Since each component of the nation must work together in order for it to function properly, the people and those governing them each have essential duties they must obey to sustain an efficiently operating country. The “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” (Lincoln) both serves the people and is served by the people.
The government is responsible for serving and representing its people. Because the people of today generally understand that no human being is born superior or inferior to any other, the government must promote equal opportunity and rights for all. It is commonly agreed that “all men and women
In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln spoke the timeless words ??government of the people, by the people, for the people?. He might not have known they were the undercurrent of a war that was fought eighty-two years prior in 1781; a war fought one hundred and forty-eight years in the future in 2011. I truly believe that the government floats by the ebbs and flows of its citizens will and opinion. Their will can drive us to war or their will melts away not remembering why we went to war in the first place. The peoples will is the rudder steering the Diplomatic, Information, Military and Economic ?DIME? spectrum maneuvering its way across the governmental swamp. The peoples will to vote and protest shape our diplomatic outcomes. The peoples
“The United States was founded on the principle that no one person or group should have too much control”. The Constitution was intentionally structured to allocate specific duties and establish a series of checks and balances among the federal
In 1863, Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address defined the American government as an institution “of the people, by the people, [and] for the people”. Lincoln had an idealistic view of the government as an instrument for societal change. He, as well as the founding fathers, intended for the government to act in support of the people’s will or the majority rule. This democratic definition of the government has remained true throughout the course of American history. By placing all of its power on its citizens, the government itself did not decide the course of history but rather followed it. This follower mindset is seen through the government’s positive interactions with marginalized groups’ who in their attempts to overcome exclusion gained
When observing the government of this nation, there is one undeniable truth: the government’s primary purpose is for the safety and maintenance of its people. According to Morris I. Leibman in his article “Civil Disobedience: A Threat to Our Law Society”, the demand for equality cannot be converted into a fight for superiority. We must all learn to be equal under the law, and in order for this equality to reach its acme, we must learn to accept the policies that our government sets before us. In fact, as stated by
The role of the government in our country is defined in our Constitution as to, "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the
When looking up the definition of a government it says, “the governing body of a nation, state, or community”( This helps to understand it a bit more, but what is the purpose of a government. Government has many purposes that keep its people safe and protected, this includes to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. There are so many ways that the government is use and there are so many sub categories and even those have categories. So when one is faced with a question like this there any number of responses, and but the main purpose of a
Is government established to serve the people, or the people to serve the government? The Constitution begins: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence [sic], promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." The first words "WE THE PEOPLE," establish that government was indeed set up to serve the people,
The responsibilities of government are to protect its citizens by such means as our armed services or military weapons. Government is to ensure there is a way of fairly maintaining order as an example our police, National Guard, and to ensure every citizen has equal access to items, products, goods such as schools, and highways. However, government or politics often has a negative connotation too many as it is viewed as a way for lobbyists and those with money to make policies that are important or in some way helpful to them. Many view politics as dishonest and that politics is a manner in which someone or group benefits for their own advantage and not for society as a
Thomas Jefferson was one of the many important presidents in our country. Jefferson states that “The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors.” As one of his most famous quotes, we can see why it is so important. First of off, it is portrayed through the quote that the government is supposed to be there for the people. It is not just there to strengthen the country, and leave the people alone, fending for themselves.
“I think government is the worker that works for the people who tell them what they want them to do by the way they vote at the election poll. I don’t like it when people in the congress don’t do what the constitution said.”
We live in this country for the land, and the for the free as Americans we rely on many attributes in this world in order for us to live our lives. Our government has supplied us with many great things for us to be proud of. Our government is “the institutions and processes though which public policies are made for society.” (Edwards, Wattenberg, and Lineberry, p. 7). With all these institutions which includes the President, Congress, the courts and all the federal administrative agencies. These are the institutions that make up public policies for us, and to shape the way we live as Americans. The way this system has been operating through all the years has been
What is the purpose of our government? Is the meaning of Lady Justice true? Does every citizen have equal rights and opportunities as stated in the United States Constitution? If so, why are there so many cases of people fighting for equality? How can we approach this effectively?
The role of government has developed throughout the years changing the way we view and act in society today. For example, the national government ensure that the citizens of the United States are all treated equally, applies law and order, and provides opportunities. The government has changed dramatically since we now have social media, newspapers, and the radio. However , not only has the government provided a strong impact in society in a positive way, but it has also impacted the society in negative ways. As a nation the public has found many imperfection in our government that they want to change. Public opinion has caused negative feedback through media and political participation . The government is trying to help the people by
First, what all is the government responsible for? We can begin to address this question by looking at the United States Constitution.
Throughout history, there have been many systems of government that have been created, and have revolutionised todays modern forms of government. Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Theocracy, and Anarchy all use various, unique techniques on how to run a civilization. Each of them require different leadership traits in order for it to work properly.