
Compare And Contrast The Hunger Games And The Road

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The Road and Hunger Games comparison Both the Hunger Games and The Road are two books set in the same type of environment of being poor, explored choices of humans facing a test of humanity, impacted by human modernization and technology and emotional power. We will explore the different themes and compare the logic between the pages. In comparison, The Road themes did a great job of displaying his character’s emotions and explaining everything they were experiencing. I feel that the story line was easy to relate to, even in an unrealistic situation. The strength of the man in the book is uncharacteristic. The writing style of The Road was rather unorthodox by not having the book separated into chapters, of different parts, doesn’t use quotations marks when characters are speaking, wide vocabulary and sentences structure keeping you entertained, while using short chopping sentences giving off the emotion of intensity and fear. The Hunger Games, written in a style by Collins, that engages her readers by drawing you in like a cliff hanger. She introduces you to a situation and ends by the chapter. She does use a lot of short sentences and has a strong woman leading the fight. The humanity is extinct in The Road by an abolished unknown event that left the world converged in as by most of its citizen’s dead to the world, by committing suicide, turning on each other, and turning to cannibalism. In the Hunger Games Katniss and Gale have a bit of a love triangle while

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