The 1950’ a decade packed with growth f science and technology that changed the world forever. We had advancement in medicine that changed our concept of treating our sick and ill. As World War II had ended we now found new ways to protect our country from others around the world. Being home from the war meant we should have the comforts at home adjusted to meet our desires. Through science and technology, we grew as a nation to insure that all our desires were addressed. Medical breakthrough of the 1950’s created a healthier environment for Americans and the world. In the early 1950 through many scientific studies and efforts Anti-biotics were created . thus, began the control of bacterial infection. Many treatment drugs and surgical procedures were invented to help Americans deal with Arthritis, Diabetes, Heart disease and Cancer. A step toward a healthy tomorrow for many of those afflicted with these, until now, untreatable areas. The 1950s found a cure for polio ending the instant death sentence of millions …show more content…
One such device was the invention of the home air conditioner. Air conditioning in private residences was unheard of until after WWII. Therefore, Americans could live in comfort in the warmer climates within the country. Furthermore, when having to “Duck and cover” at least they would be comfortable. This allowed Americans to fully to enjoy the homes they lived in in suburban America. Within those homes, many people in the ‘50s were watching television. This was the last of the developments TV helped to return the home as a center of entertainment, outside information and leisure time in ways that would not previously have been possible. In addition to Television another form of entertainment was available in a portable transistor radio. After mastering the use of the transistor entertainment became more portable and could fit in the palm of one’s
The United States has changed immensely since 1950. Americans were worried and anxious about a post-WWII depression that never occurred. 1946 was the year that saw the most marriages. Families started to grow, the economy boomed, people began to own cars and televisions, and much more.
World War II had just ended. Women that were working because their husbands were out fighting in the war came back home when the war ended. The 1940’s ended and it was time for a new decade. The 1950’s were looked as a state of mind or a way of living instead of another time in American history. The 1950’s were the most influential decade in American history because the civil rights act began, fashion was completely new and trendy there were more much advancement in entertainment and medicine, and suburban life was much more functional than any other decade in America.
The 1950’s was a significant era for the United States as it was a start for new opportunities! Many events happened throughout the 1950’s. The Korean War, also known as the Forgotten War, began in 1950. In 1951,the sparking rise of televisions arose in American households, and started the Golden Age of Television. The presidential election of Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected in 1952. Brown v. Board of Education was the official law which established separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. Fast food restaurants were opened along with drive-ins. Rosa Parks boarded the Montgomery Bus. The first ever DisneyLand amusement park was built and opened! The 1950’s was a miraculous decade and the start for many new things such as technology, new music, and much more!
The 1950s was a huge time of change in the world. After World War ll, a record breaking 4 million babies were born each year, this time period became known as the Baby Boom. This rise in population was well needed, there was tons of factories made during the war that needed employees. The 1950s not only changed population, but it changed
It was a decade of reverence for the esteemed economic system of capitalism after a decade of horrendous war. Coming out of the Second World War, the 1950s symbolized a new period of ultimate economic expansion, relatively stable costs and prices, and a lowering unemployment rate- all leading up to a "golden age of capitalism" and an increased "American standard of living”. This increased standard of living only came through however, due to increasing wages for the common man and average citizen. Between 1946 and 1960, the nation's gross product was merely doubled and because of that, this new generation of Americans was finally better off than their parents and previous ancestors.
The 1950s was the most influential decade in American history for many reasons including: the beginning of the civil rights act, the new and trendy style, and much more advances in technology and entertainment. Families were together and the young honored elders, teenagers respected themselves as well as others, and the cheerful music played all throughout the 50s is what mostly made this decade unforgettable. Not only that, but the lifestyles was much more functional than any other decade in America because people were peaceful. In the 1950s, Americans valued true fellowship with their friends and family.
It is no doubt that the 1950’s were a time of prosperity for the people of America. At that point America was no longer involved in WWII, giving it’s people hope for a peaceful road ahead without more war involvement. (History) The economy was the strongest it had ever been before, without war efforts, there was more free time for it’s people.
Medicine has always been improving throughout the years, but the 1940s were one of the most critical times of how medicine is still practiced today. There were a lot of medical advancements in the 1940s. New antibiotics were discovered, new medical practices helped in the war effort, tests and organizations set up to help find problems in health or health care.
The 1950’s and the 1960’s was a time of change and evolution. It brought on the Civil Rights Movement. This was a very influential time period were these new ideas were incorporated into everyday life and they
During the 1950's, the United States experienced great change with the end of World War II, making it difficult to label the busy decade. America was the most powerful nation in the world and it was a time of complacency. The United States accepted two new states, Hawaii and Alaska ( The science world boomed with new inventions; televisions broadcast nationally; rock n' roll was popular; commercial hotel and fast food chains became common; the car industry exploded; vaccinations for measles and polio were discovered; and birth control pills were introduced (Layman VII). Another event in the 1950’s was the ratification of the 21st Amendment, which limited presidents to two terms in office. The 1950's "baby
A famous american poet and civil right activist Maya Angelou once said, “ If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.” American jazz legend Duke Ellington said, “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” I connect and agree with these statements because. Its relating to being a everyday person.Being yourself and not trying to fit in or being what someone else want you to be.
I have taken many decisions in my life, but none as important as coming to an art school. In this mapping essay I will primarily cover a self-reflective analysis of who I am as a creative practitioner, I will describe my vision towards my future as a professional and my educational life. This essay will also cover a thoughtful analysis in designing an individualized curricular path during my remaining time here at SAIC.
The practice of medicine has been shaped through the years by advances in the area of diagnostic procedures. Many of these advances were made possible by scientific breakthroughs made before the 20th century. Modern medicine arguably emerged. Both normal and abnormal functions (physiology and pathology) were increasingly understood within smaller units, first the tissues and then the cells. Microscopy also played a key role in the development of bacteriology. Physicians started to use stethoscope as an aid in diagnosing certain diseases and conditions. New ways of diagnosing disease were developed, and surgery emerged as an important branch of medicine. Above all, a combination of science and technology underpinned medical knowledge and
The discovery of the polio vaccine was an important medical and scientific breakthrough because it saved many lives since the 1950s. In the summer of 1916 the great polio epidemic struck the United states. By the 1950s hundreds of thousands of people had been struck by the poliomyelitis. The highest number of cases occurred in 1953 with over 50,000 people infected with the virus.
Acid Rain, or more specifically, acid precipitation, is an environmental phenomena. It is composed of sulfuric acid and nitric acid, in addition to water, which come to be due to the interactions between the water and atmospheric pollutants, such as sulfur oxide and nitric oxide. This combination of strong acids in water is known to be detrimental to the environment, infrastructure, and the health of people. Due to the water cycle, other water bodies, such as lakes and streams, are affected by the excess acid in rain in that their aquatic populations decrease. Acid Rain also leaches aluminum, as well as minerals and nutrients, from soils, harming vegetation. As for infrastructure, the acids in acid precipitation are known to erode metal and stone. Though acid rain itself does not damage people’s well-being, the sulfur oxide and nitric oxide in the air can react with other atmospheric compounds to produce fine, inhalable sulfate and nitrate particles, which are linked to heart attacks and damaging effects on lung function for those more prone.