
Compare And Contrast The Medical Advances Of The 1950's

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The 1950’ a decade packed with growth f science and technology that changed the world forever. We had advancement in medicine that changed our concept of treating our sick and ill. As World War II had ended we now found new ways to protect our country from others around the world. Being home from the war meant we should have the comforts at home adjusted to meet our desires. Through science and technology, we grew as a nation to insure that all our desires were addressed. Medical breakthrough of the 1950’s created a healthier environment for Americans and the world. In the early 1950 through many scientific studies and efforts Anti-biotics were created . thus, began the control of bacterial infection. Many treatment drugs and surgical procedures were invented to help Americans deal with Arthritis, Diabetes, Heart disease and Cancer. A step toward a healthy tomorrow for many of those afflicted with these, until now, untreatable areas. The 1950s found a cure for polio ending the instant death sentence of millions …show more content…

One such device was the invention of the home air conditioner. Air conditioning in private residences was unheard of until after WWII. Therefore, Americans could live in comfort in the warmer climates within the country. Furthermore, when having to “Duck and cover” at least they would be comfortable. This allowed Americans to fully to enjoy the homes they lived in in suburban America. Within those homes, many people in the ‘50s were watching television. This was the last of the developments TV helped to return the home as a center of entertainment, outside information and leisure time in ways that would not previously have been possible. In addition to Television another form of entertainment was available in a portable transistor radio. After mastering the use of the transistor entertainment became more portable and could fit in the palm of one’s

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