
Compare And Contrast The Outsider By S. E. Hinton

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The Outsiders Compare and Contrast How can two people be so different in their life styles yet be so alike? How can a kid with a record with the fuzz a mile long be so alike to a person has never broke a law in his life? However in the novel The Outsider by S.E. Hinton, there are to characters like this. Johnny and Dallas Winston are similar for they both have parents who don’t truly care for them and for they only care for each other. Yet even with these similarities these two still have their differences like how they treat the law or there advice to other people. Therefore, Dally and Johnny have many differences through their lives, yet also have very similar lives as well. Johnny and Dally both have a similarity that makes them alike to each other and that is the they both have parents the do not really care for them. Ponyboy had stated “‘His father …show more content…

For example, all Dally can say to Pony is for him to get tougher so nobody could hurt him. Dally always told Pony to”’Get tough like me”’ (147). This shows that all Dally thinks is that the only thing that can stop people from hurting you is if you get tough and mean. These words to Johnny seem to mean nothing though if you consider what Johnny wrote to Pony “Stay gold,Ponyboy”(148). This shows how Johnny feels about Pony and how he should always look at things more on the brighter side. Johnny was the only one who truly knew what the poem Pony had told him was all about and now he was gone. To Johnny gold was the meaning of when everything was an adventure waiting to be told and when your imagination was the most amazing thing in the world to you because of what it could do for you. Gold to Johnny was like the young kids who didn’t know any better than to explore and imagine what could happen in their adventures. Johnny and Dally’s ways of advice are very different but would most likely be great for the who would be like

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