
Compare And Contrast The Parliamentary System And The United States Democratic System

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The United States’ Democratic System and United Kingdom’s Monarchy Parliamentary System have similarities and differences. The United States’ system is composed of an elected executive, an elected bicameral legislative, and an appointed judiciary. Since the Reform Act of 2005, the United Kingdoms’ system is composed of a Monarch, bicameral legislative, and judiciary system which began operating on October 1, 2009. Although both systems are accountable to the people, there are many differences within both systems.
The United States System is composed of an elected President, Bicameral elected House of Representatives and Senate, and an appointed Supreme Court. The United Kingdom’s system is composed of the Monarch, which is either a King or Queen, the Prime Minister, a Bicameral appointed House of Lords and an elected House of Commons, and the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. The United States consists of only one nation, whereas the United Kingdom consists of fifteen nations. …show more content…

Membership of the House of Lords has changed from that of Heritage to that of one of business leaders, peers, and bishops and consist of approximately 825 appointed members unlike the United States Senate with only fifty elected members. Both Systems allow laws to begin in either house and have to be approved by the other house. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom would be the equivalent of the Vice President. The Prime Minister was previously appointed and a member of the House of Lords; however, that has changed and he is now elected and a member of the House of Commons. The Vice President is the Speaker of the Senate even though he is not an actual member of the

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