
Compare And Contrast Theseus And Sir Gawain

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Battle of the century! Theseus versus Sir Gawain Two great heroes face off and are compared to see who has more heroism in them. Theseus and Sir Gawain have many similarities including the way they fight and the way their childhood was like, but those similarities also have many differences, that's why fighting and what happened in their childhood are being compared.

Both Theseus and Sir Gawain fight with honor and strength, but also their brain. Theseus uses his wits to defeat his opponent and use their weaknesses against them. Sir Gawain was trained by the Romans to use strategies and maneuvers to defeat his enemies. Both strategies are effective and are proven so in their stories. In Theseus' story, he runs into a villain named …show more content…

In his story, Theseus’ dad (King Aegeus) was tricked into sleeping with a king’s daughter because the king wanted a child. Theseus’ existence couldn't be revealed to Aegeus brother Pallas and his 50 sons because if they knew about Theseus they would kill him. Theseus was the only thing standing in between Pallas’s family and the throne otherwise Pallas’s family would inherit the throne when Aegeus dies. Knowing what Pallas would do he told Aethra (Theseus’ mother) to keep their son a secret and tell no one including Theseus that Aegeus was his father, King Aegeus then hid a sword and sandals for when Theseus was old enough to use it before he went home. Theseus' childhood was also unusual because his mother also slept with Poseidon the same night she slept with King Aegeus, so no one knows whose Theseus’ real father. Sir Gawain’s childhood was somewhat similar in the sense that neither one knew their real father. Sir Gawain Is the son of Lot (one of King Arthur's knights) and king Arthur's sister (Anna). Sir Gawain was born before his parents were married and it was shamed upon to sleep with someone before being married and Anna feared that her child would be killed, so Anna gave her child to a loyal merchant along with proof of his identity (a letter and her gold ring) and a chest of gold. The merchant loses the child and then the man who found the child dies after bringing Gawain to the

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