
Compare And Contrast Utilitarianism And Virtue Ethics

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In this essay, I will present Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics, provide an objection to each, explain how an adherent would respond to both objections, and then evaluate why I believe that Utilitarianism is better at capturing the essence of mortality than Virtue Ethics. Utilitarianism is a theory in which, you decide whether an action is moral based on the utility and/or whether it promotes the most happiness and the least amount of consequences. For example, many believe it is immoral to lie, and for the most part that is definitely true. But say your name is Bill and you live in a world where there are no ID cards, and you are in a situation where your family has no food, and you are all beginning to starve to death. You go into a grocery store and find that if your name happens to be Steve, you get a giant pot roast with potatoes, carrots, gravy, and a whole package of water bottles all for free. So you go up to the cashier and lie to them say say that your name is Steve, so that you can feed your family. A utilitarian would see this as morally right, because it has much fewer consequences than letting his family die, and promotes the most happiness compared to the alternative. …show more content…

Meaning that it is focused more around following in the footsteps of a virtuous agent, rather than focusing on making moral decisions. A virtuous agent is someone who behaves in a virtuous manner and/or way. When conflicted with a moral question, all you have to do is ask a virtuous agent for guidance, or imagine what they would do in the same or similar scenario. In this case, you don’t have to worry about consequences or happiness; you just have to consult with a virtuous agent in some way, shape, or form and you are good to

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