Myths and legends have inspirational stories to this day, each story has different morals either their good or evil. Zeus (the God of the sky) and Hades (the God of the Underworld) are the mythical characters of Greek mythology. Hades and Zeus were brothers and the sons of Cronus (they also had one other brother named Poseidon). As long as Zeus was alive he was easy to get along with, most people cherished him. Hades was not exactly favoured by anyone as he was the understatement of citizens minds. Zeus and Hades are two categorically different characters, by the way they acted and felt, they had a few similarities. Firstly, A great deal of the population often talk about Zeus and his morals, it teaches the human mind about the good he has done. Zeus killed his father to cease the cannibalism, and for that he became the ruler of all Gods and the God of the sky. Zeus despised liars, oathbreakers and those who showed no hospitality. It is generally assumed that a couple who lived in poverty (who lived in a village) showed kindness, compassion and delivered Zeus their full attention (which others did not), as Zeus disguised himself as a …show more content…
Hades and Zeus are different because of the way they act. Hades jealousy turned him into a sneaky, cruel, and deceitful person. Hades was not evil he just liked to be cruel to the evil and make them suffer. Hades tries to hide his true emotions, so he uses his anger and tries to forget about his humanity. Zeus was kind, compassionate and would never use his anger to control what he really feels, his humanity is always strong and well brought up. Zeus really cared about his family he even tried to help and defeat one of the strongest creatures on earth. These two mythical characters teach us more than what we can possibly think of. Their morals are practically closely connected and they describe our world
Zeus can be compared to Superman in the sense that he is powerful, he protects the weak, and punishes the wicked. He is a human-like god in a sense he commits adultery, and is often to his wife Hera. The real life ideals represented by Zeus’s role, is one of a just and powerful character that gets justice against those that are bad and by protecting the good and weak. For Zeus being the god over all the Olympian gods it is quite easy to be powerful and just. In real life instance the justice system is the one to execute injustice through the law, the police and court system. This enables the victims that a sense of justice has been served.
Hey! You! Yeah, you. You should go on a kamikaze mission so you can join the armies of the dead! Hades is the god of the dead, and he is in charge of The Underworld. In addition he is the keeper of the paths by which the dead come to him. Hades (sometimes called Pluto) was the oldest of three brothers, who were Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. In this paper we will be hitting on the origin of Hades, the division of power between the three brothers, and what people thought of Hades as a deity overall (
Hades was the son of Cronus and Rhea; like Zeus and Poseidon. After Cronus was defeated by his(Hades) brothers, the realms of the world were divided amongst him and his brothers. Hades was the ruler of the underworld. Him and Persephone, his queen and whom he abducted, ruled the underworld together. Hades’ personality wasn't very distinct throughout history, though he was described as “stern and pitiless”(editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica).
One of the biggest differences between “Hercules” and Heraclês is the fact that in the movie, “Hercules”, Zeus has only one son, which is Hercules. This difference falls underneath the family values portion. Zeus, the ruler of Olympus, has multiple children in the myths. While in the movie he has the one, Hercules. Zeus focuses only on Hera, he is deeply infatuated with her. On the other hand Zeus in the myths is a “player”, lots of women got his love. The Disney version applies more to modern day life than the myths do. In today’s society a man is supposed to have one wife and have kids with her only. However in the myths, Zeus, had multiple wives and a great deal children. Disney is working to connect with the audience by having it look like a typical family.
“The supreme deity of Greek mythology has his lusty, tempestuous story recast in engaging fashion by Stone”(ProQuest). Zeus was thought of as the father of gods and men. While he did not make them, he protected them, and therefore was considered a father to them. He ruled over the sky and air, and controlled everything that happened in his domains from his throne on Mount Olympus. To gain his throne, he overthrew his father, Cronos, with the help of his siblings, and then dividing up the realms between him and his two elder brothers. Zeus became lord of the sky and rain, Poseidon took the title lord of the sea, and Hades became ruler of the underworld. He then banished his father to the shadowy Tartarus in the underworld. Zeus was the most
Prometheus had been a friend of Zeus, but a single glimpse of skepticism turned him into a foe. As punishment, Zeus had imprisoned Prometheus and tortured him until the mighty Hercules rescued him. Zeus’s cruelty was completely unreasonable and unjust. The Greeks wrote Zeus as the villain in some myths but in others made him seem as if he were the hero. Their views on the universe were completely different from what our views are.
her to give him the baby so he could swallow it. She hid Zeus in a
Hades is the Greek God and ruler of the Underworld. He is often associated with wealth and agriculture. He is also the son of Cronus and Rhea and the third most powerful Greek god. Unlike his two brothers, his realm cannot be seen by anyone living. The Greeks believe that his name, Hades, means “The Unseen One.” He is the only god that does not live on Mount Olympus; he has his own glittering palace made of pure gold and gems in the Underworld. The Greeks believe that when mortals
Do you want to hear the most terrifying story ever? Well that's just where our story begins. Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated their father and the Titans to end their reign, claiming rulership over the cosmos. They split their rule between the three of them. Hades is a Greek god who is easily mistaken as evil and death.
Hades is good because he was actually the first heroes of Greek Myths. Hades, along with his brother Zeus and poseidon, led the rebellion against their titan father Kronos for power over the universe. Hades’ part included slipping by Kronos’s armies to destroy their weapons. In fact Zeus, Hades, and poseidon took dominion over parts of the earth, but hades got unlucky.
Zeus’ different roles in the two stories lead to his contrasting personality traits, as both authors try to find reasons for the audience to sympathize with the tale’s main character, they have to inevitably change Zeus’ character
Hades, the evil genius, is out to seek revenge on the other Gods because he feels he is unappreciated and powerless, compared to his all mighty brother Zeus and other family members. At the beginning of Hercules, Hades was simply a mistreated God who Zeus had selfishly forced to be the God of the Underworld; a dreadful, miserable place where souls go to suffer. Hades rarely has an important role in the lives of the other Gods, who spend their time living on Olympus; a wonderful and lively kingdom. Hades is jealous of the fortune of the other gods living on Olympus. He states, “but unlike you gods lounging about up here...I regrettably have a full-time gig...that you, by the way, so charitably bestowed on me” Hades is the ruler of the underworld, as he calls it, a dark and gloomy place, as well as, always full of dead people. So he feels he has been treated unfair and deserves more. Unfortunately there is no way to change this fact, unless you are Hades of course. Hades, being the evil genius he is, has a plan to take revenge on the Gods. In this plan he intends to destroy Olympus and rule the Gods forever. Because Hades is less fortunate than the other Gods, he is very overlooked by them. He feels that he has been put in a place where he cannot truly be a
The mythological character and God, Zeus, is portrayed in many ways, by many different people. Hesiod describes Zeus as being relentless in his fury. When he gets mad he unleashes all of his power. If his brother Hades wasn’t in charge of the Underworld, he’d make all of Hell break loose. For example, in Hesiod’s Theogony, which is about when Zeus defeated his father, Cronus, he says, “Then Zeus did not hold back any longer, but now immediately his heart was filled with strength and he showed clearly all his force.” (Morford and Lenardon 85) He tends to treat others, mortals and immortals, very unfairly. Two mortals could do the same exact type of sacrilege towards him, and depending on how he felt that day, he would take two very different approaches to how he would treat them. He also doesn’t take any threats towards him very lightly at all. If anyone ever threatens him, he normally punishes them very severely, if he doesn’t destroy them completely. Hesiod’s approach to Zeus’ behavior is overdramatic, and makes it seem more extreme than it probably would’ve been.
The primary ruling god of the underworld is Hades whose brother is Zeus, king of the gods, and whose parents are Cronus and Rhea. Hades is a greedy god with his greatest concern being to increase the number of his subjects. He is very stubborn about letting
Despite the absence of Zeus in Prometheus Bound a reader can still get a great deal of description of and how Zeus rules the Gods and creation. It seems very different from the scene a reader can get in the Hesiod. Zeus is vilified in Prometheus Bound. He is the villain in my impression from the author. Zeus has inflicted the same punishment on Prometheus in both stories, but the brutality of this punishment is emphasized more in Prometheus Bound and all the characters in the story or play, except for Strength, show disdain toward this tragic and harsh punishment.