
Compare And Contrast Zeus And Hades Research Paper

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Myths and legends have inspirational stories to this day, each story has different morals either their good or evil. Zeus (the God of the sky) and Hades (the God of the Underworld) are the mythical characters of Greek mythology. Hades and Zeus were brothers and the sons of Cronus (they also had one other brother named Poseidon). As long as Zeus was alive he was easy to get along with, most people cherished him. Hades was not exactly favoured by anyone as he was the understatement of citizens minds. Zeus and Hades are two categorically different characters, by the way they acted and felt, they had a few similarities. Firstly, A great deal of the population often talk about Zeus and his morals, it teaches the human mind about the good he has done. Zeus killed his father to cease the cannibalism, and for that he became the ruler of all Gods and the God of the sky. Zeus despised liars, oathbreakers and those who showed no hospitality. It is generally assumed that a couple who lived in poverty (who lived in a village) showed kindness, compassion and delivered Zeus their full attention (which others did not), as Zeus disguised himself as a …show more content…

Hades and Zeus are different because of the way they act. Hades jealousy turned him into a sneaky, cruel, and deceitful person. Hades was not evil he just liked to be cruel to the evil and make them suffer. Hades tries to hide his true emotions, so he uses his anger and tries to forget about his humanity. Zeus was kind, compassionate and would never use his anger to control what he really feels, his humanity is always strong and well brought up. Zeus really cared about his family he even tried to help and defeat one of the strongest creatures on earth. These two mythical characters teach us more than what we can possibly think of. Their morals are practically closely connected and they describe our world

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