
Compare Emily And Sarty

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Sarty and Emily have similar childhoods that made them the way they are now. They were raised by fathers that had a major impact on their lives. Fathers are supposed to be supportive, guide you in the right way, protect you, and also let you make your own decisions, so that you can learn right from wrong. In this instance, Sarty and Emily fathers made a bad impact on how they were brought up.

Sarty's and his father, Abner, are from a poor background. His father is not the average role model for his son. He is dishonest, a bully, controlling, and so on. You would think that his father would have his best interest at heart but it is the complete opposite. He wants to use Sarty as a shield, where he has his son to fabricate the truth about him burning down the barns. It shows that Abner only cares about not getting caught than how his son feels about lying for him.

"You're getting to be a man. You …show more content…

Her father, Mr. Grierson, was to over protective and conceited. He was preventing her from being social with any men in town. The only person she had was her father before he had died. "The day after his death all the ladies prepared to call at the house and offer condolence and aid, as in our custom (Faulkner)." In this quote, they only felt some sort of emotion for her because there was a death in the family. It is courtesy to have a gathering if someone has died. The towns people did not care for her at all, they said she was too high and mighty for her own good. Now as a grown woman in her forties, she did not have anybody to help cope with the loneliness. This is the reason why she has shut herself off from the community. After her father had died, she finally got a chance at happiness so she takes it. She met Homer Barron, who she thought was the love of her life. Her father impacted her life significantly, which is why she jump at the first man she

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