Throughout history, there have been many systems of government that have been created, and have revolutionised todays modern forms of government. Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship, Theocracy, and Anarchy all use various, unique techniques on how to run a civilization. Each of them require different leadership traits in order for it to work properly.
There are numerous examples of significant people who have demonstrated a form of governments necessary leadership traits, such as the Dalai Lama, a Theocratic leader.
“In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme” - Aristotle. This quote lays out the main idea behind Democracy. The idea that the people deserve equality and freedom. Equality in race, colour and religion, and freedom of speech, and will, unless it is against the will of the majority of the people. Democracy endeavors to achieve a balance in freedom of an individual, whilst not violating the majority's will. Democracy was developed in Ancient Greece. The word itself comes from the greek term ‘demokratia’ (‘demos - the people’ and ‘kratos - rule’. Democracy was first used in the Greek state, Athens. Athens used a direct form of Democracy, as people knew each other. Nowadays, there are an abundant amount of countries that are ruled under democracy, such as New Zealand, Switzerland, Ireland, and Austria.
Absolute Monarchy is a system of government where sovereignty, or supreme
As many countries developed over time, changes have occurred that benefited the citizens of each nation. However, there is one important element that is needed to establish laws, peace, and harmony in each country. This element is known as leadership. Leaders around the world have contributed to the success and evolution of all of our nations, proving to be a huge responsibility. Residents are dependent amongst leaders, who are in charge of protecting their citizens at no cost. Without the presence of them, chaos and corruption would establish, which could ruin relationships and trade with other nations. In history, great leaders have been praised and admired. The characteristics of three great leaders, who are Suleiman, Nelson Mandela, and Queen Elizabeth I, have exhibited the qualities of being a great leader. These traits include causing admiration and inspiration, demonstrating intelligent knowledge, and guiding residents and themselves to solve conflicts that may cause death.
As many countries developed over time, changes have occurred that benefited the citizens of each nation. However, there is one important element that is needed to establish laws, peace, and harmony in each country. This element is known as leadership. Leaders around the world have contributed to the success and evolution of all of our nations, proving to be a huge responsibility. Residents are dependent amongst leaders, who are in charge of protecting their citizens at no cost. Without the presence of them, chaos and corruption would establish, which could ruin relationships and trade with other nations. In history, great leaders have been praised and admired. The characteristics of three great leaders, who are Suleiman, Nelson Mandela, and Queen Elizabeth I, have exhibited the qualities of being a great leader. These traits include causing admiration and inspiration, demonstrating intelligent knowledge, and guiding residents and themselves to solve conflicts that may cause death.
Pericles , a famous Greek statesman once wrote a document called the Funeral oration (document 3) in which he describes what a democracy. This is the form of government which was instated during the Ancient Greek civilizations and is instated in the (modern-day) the United States. Democracy is made for the majority and not the minority. It is not based on the few leading, rather everyone gets a voice in society. It gives
The idea of democracy came from the Ancient Greek civilization. The power was in the hands of the eligible people who had the right to decide or vote what was right or wrong for themselves. The Ancient
The Greek philosopher Plato once said, ”Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequal alike”(Quote,1). In 507 B.C., an Athenian leader named Cleisthenes instituted a new structure of political reforms known as democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which the people rule. The classical world made many important contributions to modern society. The most important contribution is Democracy. This form of government is a paramount contribution because it is still practiced today and offers citizens a fair and equal system of leadership.
Democracy is a form of government where all eligible citizens are meant to participate equally. Democracy is founded on four key elements; protection of citizen rights, laws that apply to all people, the involvement of the people in both social and political life, and a system by choosing government officials by equal elections. As more people focused on equality and the importance of the individual, democracy started to appear in the Ancient World. Despite the fact that democracy in the Ancient World is not like it is today, the Judeo-Christian tradition, Athens, and the Roman Republic helped to influence modern democracy. To begin with, the Judeo-Christian era greatly influenced the ideas of democracy.
Democracy, as it is used today, means “ the people rule.” A democracy is a form of government ruled by the people of the country through elections and representation. A democracy is really a form of republic known as a democratic republic. A republic is a government where officials elected by a small group of people that make the important decisions.
Greece was one of the first people to have recorded the events of their democratic system. Democracy is a Greek word literally meaning the power of the people to rule. Early democracy was established in ancient Athens, a Greek city-state, and was probably the single most powerful and stable democratic government in Greece.
As we have learned that Democracy came from the word ‘demos’ which means people, that makes people the ruling party or majority rule. Ancient Greeks who were experimenting with different kinds of political system and were much interested in which system works best. By far the most radical kind of democracy is a direct democracy which lasted less than two centuries in a Greek city-state of Athens. Citizens of Athens were directly involved in the process and participated in decision making and they were proud of it, they deemed their system to be the best and superior to other systems in other Greek city-states. As Cartwright stated an excerpt from Pericles himself who was one of the greatest supporters of democracy in classic
To be a leader there are multiple characteristics that makes one leader better than another. In 1469, an aristocrat by the name of Niccolo Machiavelli was born. Machiavelli was born in an unfortunate time when Florence was unstable and was wrongly convicted which led him to be imprisoned. He later wrote a book by the name of The Qualities of the Prince which listed his thoughts and ideas on what characteristics a prince should have to be a successful leader. Today, we have leaders that guide us through tough decisions and keep order in the state, widely known as the politicians. Politicians are people who are involved in politics as a job and usually are in an elected office. We also have in that group a sub group known as the Governor. The
Democracy came about in a very interesting fashion. It first started out as, a wealthy class of rich males in ancient Greece who had the power to vote and be citizens; while no one else was able to be a citizen and participate in democracy. This notion of democracy slowly evolved out of different revolutions and ideas. We saw great leaps forward in in the evolution of democracy during the US revolution which was exemplified by the cry of: “No taxation without representation.” In the French revolution, in which there has been so much has studied about, is another example of inequality helping democratization. In the modern era, we have seen the Arab spring rise and fall, with some countries making modest reforms and people fighting for as many reforms as they could get; among these, the idea of equality. Pure equality is the striving force that democracy will always try to reach and will never truly achieve.
Democracy Democracy was the rule of the citizens. The city of Athens was the most well-known for this form of politics, and most other societies did not find anything good to say about it. The king of a foreign land said, “I find it astonishing that here wise men speak on public matters, while fools decide them.”
Throughout history, leaders have been key in the development of various governments and territories. A leader strives to enrich their people in any way they can, be it culture, intellect, or trade. Additionally, they work to make their land known and important, sometimes through the conquering of land.
Democracy comes from two Greek words: a noun demos which means, "people" and a verb, kratein, which means "to rule" (Ober 120). Democracy first appeared in Athens towards the beginning of the fifth century B.C. The biggest difference between Athenian democracy and almost all other democracies is that the Athenian version was a direct democracy rather than being representative. Democracy came about in Athens as a result of the growing navel power and the reforms made by leaders such as Cleisthenes and Pericles.
Democracy is a “system of government in which political authority vested in the people” (Ch. 1, Pg. 4). Democracy is by far the most challenging form of government, for perhaps both politicians and the people. The term democracy comes from a Greek term which in short means “rule by the people”. The antique democracies in ancient cities, such as Rome and Athens, represent precursors of modern democracies. Like modern democracy, the need for organized rule arose in the midst of power abuse. The democracy we abide by today was created in the 17th century during the Age of Enlightenment, by philosophers such as John Locke, Voltaire… These philosophers created the foundation for our modern democracy. These essential elements such as the separation