
Comparing 1984 And Brave New World

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Midterm Exam Essay #5
The prompt I am going to be writing about is describing and analyzing both books on the language barrier they both have in common. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Ordell are dystopian stories that have a very, “negative utopia” type vibe from the both of them. They were both written at two different time periods in history but both are very similar in plot overview. Brave New World was published in 1932, and 1984 was published in 1950. Both dystopian story books both have restrictions on thought processes, expressing individuality, and of course, language and communication comparisons.
Yes, Both books were similar in certain ways of interest, such as following certain unreasonable rules and laws and …show more content…

In 1984 it is a lot more restricted i feel compared to Brave New World. 1984 has thought police, Spies and harsher rules i believe personally. You can’t think on your own, talk on your own or even lives the way you want. Everything in 1984 is controlled or at least tried to be. There is always a lupool that you can get around which is what Winston and Julia thought they were getting around. Winston and julia both were rebels but were very different. John hates the party with a burning passion. He does multiple things in the story to test the limitations of the the party. Winston get a journal illegally and writes criminal things in it, He has an affair (which is also illegal) with julia his, “lover,” and does many other things to try to make himself feel better about his hatred toward the party and Big Brother. The line, “War is peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is strength appeared in the book earlier in the novel but had great meaning behind it about what the books message is. War is peace by keeping people scared so they stay united, Freedom is slavery because whoever wants and rebels for freedom will lose and never get it, and Ignorance is strength because not knowing most things will keep you in line and like a clone just how the party wants you to be.
Brave New World and 1984 both had people that were frowned upon by people because they were different and wanted something that everyone else didn't want. John in Brave New World wanted to free and Winston in 1984 wanted to be free as well and to be able to think and act on his own free will. Both in a way wanted the same thing, and unfortunately failed to accomplish what they set out to

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