Comparison between American and Chinese Friendship
There are many differences between American friendship and Chinese friendship, such as be concerned with other people, talk, and be a guest custom. I want talk about the similarities and differences of Chinese and American friendship .I have three points to support my arguments .The differences include the degree of care about friendship, the method of making friends, and being guest custom. Americans care about each other on friendship and keep distance. If you need help, and then they are happy to help you, but still keep distance from you, they can’t interfere with you ideas and decision. I have an Americans friend just like this. Jessica
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中文简单翻译:come2china 是Firefox浏览器的扩展,它能帮助你以http代理服务器的方式,访问设在中国的网页。
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Across cultures, many times similarities lay within them that go unnoticed. It is true that obvious differences set them apart; but if a closer look is taken, it is surprising what can be found. The Chinese culture is obviously different from the American culture, but underneath the surface there are similarities. One of them is how the treatment of women has evolved and changed. Anti-feminism in China has been present since ancient times, and has just recently decreased. Anti-feminism in America has never been as severe as it was in China; however, instead of the value of women gradually increasing over the years - it has reversed. The value of women in America has decreased. There are many similarities between the ancient Chinese women
All of the case studies are concerned with the Law of Contract, specifically the formation of a contract and the differences between an invitation to treat and a contract. We will investigate each consumers’s specific contract or lack thereof individually and advise Bruce on his legal position.
First of all I don’t really know much about Dr. Seuss. All I know is that he is a famous book writer that died years ago. I read If I Ran the zoo in the 1st grade so I forgot about it. That was the only book I have read out of Dr. Seuss. My dad didn’t really like him but I never knew why but I will ask my mom why he didn’t like him and so that is all I know of Dr.
Cultural differences are apparent from one group of people to another. Culture is based on many things that are passed on from one generation to the next. Most of the time people take for granted their language, beliefs, and values. When it comes the cultural differences of people there is no right or wrong. People should be aware of others culture and respect the differences that are between them. The United States and China are two very large countries that have cultures that are well known through out the world. There are many differences between the United States and China, but there are many contributing factors that shape the cultures of these two countries.
3. A comparison between the election of the US and China and some connection between two electoral systems: Due to the difference between the institution of the US and China, the electoral system of these two nations has not only different points but also some similarities as well. According to a brochure published by the League of Women Voters Education Funds, 538 members of the Electoral College meet in their respective states to do their exclusive function: to elect two most important seats of the US Government: the President and the Vice-President of the United States. The methodology of electing the President in the US is through the Electoral College system.
The Chinese Six Companies were six companies across the United States which played a major role in the Chinese prostitution and was a key organization for Chinese Americans in 1800s. They original main goal was to help the Chinese come from and return to China, help many corpses shipped them to China for burial and take care of the starving and elder. The Chinese Six Companies also attempted to discourage prostitution in the Chinese community and attempted to limit prostitution in America. Even though their main goal was to help out the Chinese, during the 1880s their outlook complete changed. These Chinese Six Companies saw the benefits of prostitution which they force encouraging and overseeing all the vices associated with the Chinese-American
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of culture is “the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group”. Every country has its specific culture and there are some obvious cultural universals between China and America. One example of such cultural universal is the directness of American versus the humbleness of the Chinese people. Another example would be the self independence of the young Americans versus the young Chinese who tend to depend on their parents. What I would like to cover are the holidays observed by United States and China, roles played in the family by husband and wife, parenting styles and conflict management.
Every time I come home from college, my family and I would go out to yumcha or, as directly translated from Cantonese, to “drink tea. However, drinking tea is only one component of yumcha. To yumcha is to converse with company over a meal of many small dishes and hot tea. Going yumcha is social activity brought to the United States by the people from the Guangdong region of China, also known as Cantonese people. When they immigrated to the United States, yumcha became an important tradition because it also enabled Cantonese parents to socialize their children into the Chinese culture through the language and social practices involved in the meal and the ritual and meaning surrounding the tea. However, to Chinese-Americans such as myself, going yumcha with native Chinese people also emphasized my American identity due to my food choices. Yet when I go yumcha with non-Chinese people, I become distinctly aware of my Chinese identity when they fail the language or rituals of this tradition. The only time when I do not feel alienated during yumcha is when I go with my other
When it is comes down to dealing with any varieties of crime it’s a challenging issue in every country. No matter where one may be there will always be certain rules and regulations everyone must follow. Different nations deal with crime in many different ways based on their beliefs, policies, principals, and culture perspectives. Cross-cultural studies allow a common view of the variations, elements, and aspects of the justice systems. This paper examines the comparison of the justice system in China and the United States. Exploring the ideas and views, which include the confidence in police, informal and formal crime control, and views on capital punishment. China and the United States can be considered comparable in different
This year is my forth year that I has been studying in the United State. I’m already used to the U.S. culture and the U.S. living style. So in general, I didn’t experience any culture shock after I got here. If I had any culture shock, it’s probably three years ago. I couldn’t remember any of them. However I do have some thoughts about the differences between the U.S. and China after four years of studying in the United States.
Here is a photo, a man lying on the beach chair and watching on the magazine in his own yard, and the other side is his wife use weeding machine leisurely mowing on the lawn. This advertisement basically showing us how is this weeding machine easy to use because even a woman can feel easy to use this machine, and if you buy it you will be well as the man on the photo to seat on the chair. But the question is, is that possible people will feel easy while they use the weeding machine or it is just a falsehood made from marketer? The biggest problem in America is all kind of misleading advertisement around Americans.
When I came to America from China at age 16, everyone around me appeared to be different. However, I didn’t just talk to my Chinese friends. I pushed myself outside of my bubble; I tried my best to make friends with American students, while I still maintained good relationships with my Chinese friends. America is very different from what I expected, everyone speaks so fast and unclear; it almost made English a completely different language from what I had already learned. As I was trying to make friends, I realized that Chinese culture had made me different from Americans; things that I was curious about as a Chinese person were very private to American students. For example, in America, people won’t mention what their parents’ jobs are when they meet someone for the first time.
Believe it or not, but American and Chinese culture do have something’s in common. They see eye-to-eye on some aspects. Like providing for their children “Parents work together for the well-being of their children” [Example from Article]. It is true that parents do the best they can to work towards a better financial life for their kids. That’s why many Chinese parents come over to the states, so that they can provide a better life, and a better education. They would also go to great lengths for their children no matter what the cause “Parents will risk their life for their children” [Example from Article]. Any parent would risk their life for their children no matter what ethnicity, or cultural aspect! There is no bond like a parent and their child.
The Americans living in New York are passionate and warm. They smile a lot coupled with the fact that they are at ease to talk easily to strangers, sometimes sharing their own personal stories. In fact, when you meet a New Yorker for the first time and you initiate formal greetings, and the New Yorker smiles; just know that you have created a warm rapport with him or her. At the same time, when a foreigner meets an American in New York, he or she should be confident to look at him or her in the eyes, smile and shake hands. It can be universally agreed that the culture of the American people is rich because its influence has an impact on global nations. In other words, due to the widespread and immense influence of American movies and politics across the world, it can be ascertained that most of the ideals and norms are clearly understood around the world. More specifically, it can be potentially easy to understand how simple the American culture is even for a person who has never been immersed into another culture, whether he or she is an American, or belongs to another
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Cold War was over, making the U.S. the only superpower left in the world. This has made the international system much more tranquil, and relaxed. The only country potentially powerful besides the U.S., is China. Many Americans fear China, not only because they are communist, but also because of their huge population. Their population is 1.3 billion people, which accounts 1/5th of the world’s population. As one of the only potential superpowers in the world, it would be in the best interest of all Americans if the U.S. and China became allies, instead of enemies. Peace and development, economic prosperity and social progress, are goals that both of