Heroism is a common element that is expressed through a character in many stories. A hero possesses many characteristics such as bravery, strength and selflessness. These tools and personality traits allow a hero to solve the problem at hand and save the day. With saving the day, comes a great amount of respect, admiration and recognition. By showing many heroic qualities, Beowulf is a more respected hero than Sir Gawain. Beowulf is a Geat warrior that has tremendous ability, undeniable strength, and courage that is above all others. Beowulf’s qualities were so extraordinary; he did not fly under the radar. As a matter of fact, he was easily recognized. As the story states “[Beowulf’s] name was known through the north” which means that Beowulf was already a respected individual even before his real heroics began (Abrams, “Beowulf” 42). His heroism is evidenced by his successfully travels across a vast distance over water to save the Danish Kingdom that is under the attack of a monster. The journey itself is admirable because Beowulf is not asked for help. He …show more content…
Gawain showed his courage when he stated “Gawain is my name. I heave this axe, and whatever happens after, in twelvemonth’s time I’ll be struck in return with any weapon you wish, and by you and you alone” (Abrams, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” 193-194). Gawain’s courageousness prevented Arthur from having to do the dangerous task and this makes Gawain seem very honorable. After completing the challenge, which was to cut off the head of the Green Knight, Gawain was told to meet the Green Knight in a year and a day. Unlike Beowulf’s long and dangerous journey, readers can conclude that Gawain’s excursion was easier and less perilous. Both men show great courage and unselfishness but the danger that Beowulf faces is what separates the two and makes Beowulf more
Heroes come in many forms. The construction of "the heroic" has taken many forms, yet traits such as: courage, honor, and loyalty, reappear as themes throughout the "hero" personality. The characters of Beowulf and Sir Gawain each represent a version of a hero, yet each comes across quite differently in their story. A hero can be said to truly win if he remains constant to his noble values when put in any situation that crosses his way. When measured by that criterion, Sir Gawain stands out above Beowulf as a true hero, due to his command of both personal and spiritual power through the use of thought, as well as valiant deeds.
In Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight there are two heroes that help the present day reader gain insight into what the hero of the Middle Ages would have held as ideals and necessary triumphs. Beowulf and Sir Gawain each fill a different role within their unique societies. Beowulf is a leader and a savior in times of need, willing to go to any length to help another group of people as well as his own kingdom. Sir Gawain is also willing to rise during moments of trouble within his court but lacks the altruism that is inherent in Beowulf's leadership. Although there are many pursuable comparisons within the two tales, the most apparent between the two heroes are that of faith, the men who encouraged them, bravery and the
Since the beginning of society, bravery has been innate in everyone. From David’s fight with Goliath, to modern day’s stand against prejudice, people continue to attack in tough positions. However, cowardice is ingrained in everyone as well. People are constantly avoiding danger―physical and internal, such as Peter’s denial of Jesus and dodging responsibility. Consequently, there is a fine line between bravery and cowardice. Granted, when is the turning point where self preservation becomes a greater priority than helping others? In the epic poem, Beowulf, and the medieval romance, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Beowulf and Sir Gawain similarly show humanity’s inclination to act brave when situations become difficult, until their lives are put at risk―revealing everyone's inner cowardice.
According to Tom Hanks, a hero is “somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown.” A hero is someone who puts another’s needs before themselves, is strong, and courageous. Sir Gawain and Beowulf are epic heroes who embody these ideals. Sir Gawain is part of King Arthur’s court, and he is the sole knight who bravely accepts the Green Knight’s challenge in order to protect his king. On the contrary, Beowulf is a warrior and a king. He is constantly battling monsters for the glory and fame. Sir Gawain is more honorable, because he has superior beliefs, motivations, and is more courageous.
A hero, what is a hero? Close your eyes and imagine what a hero is. Is it a man or a woman? Are they tall or short? Do they have dark or light hair? Are they young or old? Now take this hero you have imagined and give him or her traits. What would they be? Is he or she courageous or adventurous? Are they physically strong or mentally strong, or both? A hero is defined in 3 ways; selflessness, humbleness, and bravery.
While both the characters Beowulf and Sir Gawain are similar in the fact that they are both heroes, each story uses different ways to tell their tale. From going on an adventure, to fighting the enemy, to trying and save a kingdom, both stories contain the good versus bad elements that makes the telling of two brave heroes. One way that both characters are similar is the fact that they both go on an adventure, while showing acts of bravery and selflessness. Both characters jumped at a chance to risk their lives to save their king and earn their honor and respect. However, while both characters are considered heroes, each character focuses on different values. Despite the minor differences each character has from one another, both characters
The upbringing of children by the environments (parents, relatives, the neighbor next door) in each generation and country differ, and thus produces a unique child for each. The societal environment molds the child and the child becomes a character as he/she grows older. Beowulf and Sir Gawain are extremely different despite the almost similar societies in which each grew up in. The few similarities they share are a small derivative from the religious aspect of their childhood to adulthood. Beowulf and Sir Gawain are both warriors in the sense of fighting for the protection and honor of their kings, but Beowulf struggles to maintain humility in his personality unlike Sir Gawain. Also with religion being prominent in mostly Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, it provides a contrast of each protagonist’s life. In full examination of the two characters, it can be said that Sir Gawain and Beowulf’s motives and actions throughout the story are for the morally right, however, the differences of personality reveal great detail of each’s persona.
While the Epic of Beowulf, translated to modern English, by Dr. David Breeden and the Chivalric poem of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by W. A. Neilson have some similarities, such as possessing the characteristic of bravery and being noble, they do contrast greatly. To survive his adventure, Beowulf relies on God and faith for protection. Whereas, Sir Gawain relies on truth and promise. Regardless of how they accomplished their tasks, they completed them and continued until they were not needed anymore.
There are several things that can define a hero. In the tale of Beowulf, a young warrior fights to defend his neighboring country and eventually becomes a king who must defend his own country. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a knight of King Arthur’s court accepts a challenge and must persevere to follow through and bring honor back to his uncle’s court. These men are both similar in their loyalty and devotion, however, both men also face different challenges that force them to acknowledge their flaws. By comparing and contrasting Beowulf and Sir Gawain, it is shown what it means to be hero who is also human.
Being a hero can be defined many different ways. Several qualities like courage, respect, and strength can define heroism. A hero is noted for his or her actions for being brave, powerful, and acting with honor. In the epic poem, Beowulf, the main character Beowulf shows all of these characteristics by defending the Danish king, Hrothgar, and his people. He is a true hero by honoring his country and exerting his power and strength to protect others. Beowulf embodies the qualities of bravery, being powerful, and demonstrating his honor; therefore, he can be considered a true hero.
Sir Gawain is reluctant to accept the Green Knight’s challenge. He fears for his life. In the end he only accepts the challenge to protect King Arthur’s life and honor. He knows it is his duty to protect King Arthur, but only volunteers to do so at the last second. Sir Gawain also breaks his oath to the Lord of the castle he is staying in. He broke their vow to trade whatever they had earned during the day when he keeps a sash the Lady of the castle gives him because he believes it will protect him during his battle with the Green Knight.
Beowulf is a hero, and we all know a hero when we see one. There are many traits and characteristics that make someone a hero. These traits and characteristics are more expressed in ancient epics and poems. Beowulf is one of the most famous ancient Anglo-Saxon poems still taught to this day in schools and colleges all over the world. The story starts off of how a man by the name of Beowulf receives news that a neighboring land is being terrorized by a monster named Grendel. Beowulf shows several characteristics of here such as, bravery, loyalty, generosity, friendship, and showing a high level of intellect. Beowulf first shows his heroic character through his bravery while journeying on his epic quest. There are several cases where he is not afraid, and instead of being frightened, he shows great bravery. An example of from the poem is, “Instead, they inspected omens and spurred his ambitions to go, whilst he moved about like the leader he was, enlisting men, the best he could find; with fourteen others the warrior boarded the boast as captain” (Beowulf 205-210). This quote gives proof of his bravery because he was the head of the group leading his men. Beowulf proves that even he himself must be brave in order to lead the bravest of men into battle.
Although Beowulf and Sir Gawain are different types of heroes, their heroic qualities blend together as if they were one. Heritage is a major factor discussed in historical literature. It gives the classification of the characters in a foreshadowing affect before the readers meet the characters. Although the poems do not deeply discuss each character’s parents, it does exemplify their living relatives. Sir Gawain’s uncle is
What makes a hero? It understood by most people that a hero is someone who displays courage, honor, and loyalty, but what makes each hero different? Batman is not the same as Superman, a firefighter is not the same as a policeman. Each hero--although sharing the same qualities--are differentiated through their actions, specifically in how and why they act. The same logic applies to Beowulf and Sir Gawain . Even though these heroes express similar traits, they differ through their actions in battle. Beowulf and Sir Gawain undoubtedly both display the same traits such as courage, but their motives and tactics used in the fighting were different due to their divergent societies.
All society has a hero, such as Hercules and Superman with a supernatural power, and other heroes too that help the society, such as doctors, soldiers or firemen. Beowulf and Sir Gawain are the main two heroes and warriors of their time. They have very similar characteristics, and their style of moral core and heroism were very different from each other. The comparison of Beowulf and Sir Gawain was also their courtesy and compassion towards other people. Beowulf was fairly courteous to other people, whiles Sir Gawain strived for excellence, when it comes to compassion and courtesy. He faced ultimate trails which tested his courteousness as whom he really was, and the test proved people that, no matter what, he always sticks to his