
Comparing Beowulf And Sir Gawain

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Heroism is a common element that is expressed through a character in many stories. A hero possesses many characteristics such as bravery, strength and selflessness. These tools and personality traits allow a hero to solve the problem at hand and save the day. With saving the day, comes a great amount of respect, admiration and recognition. By showing many heroic qualities, Beowulf is a more respected hero than Sir Gawain. Beowulf is a Geat warrior that has tremendous ability, undeniable strength, and courage that is above all others. Beowulf’s qualities were so extraordinary; he did not fly under the radar. As a matter of fact, he was easily recognized. As the story states “[Beowulf’s] name was known through the north” which means that Beowulf was already a respected individual even before his real heroics began (Abrams, “Beowulf” 42). His heroism is evidenced by his successfully travels across a vast distance over water to save the Danish Kingdom that is under the attack of a monster. The journey itself is admirable because Beowulf is not asked for help. He …show more content…

Gawain showed his courage when he stated “Gawain is my name. I heave this axe, and whatever happens after, in twelvemonth’s time I’ll be struck in return with any weapon you wish, and by you and you alone” (Abrams, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” 193-194). Gawain’s courageousness prevented Arthur from having to do the dangerous task and this makes Gawain seem very honorable. After completing the challenge, which was to cut off the head of the Green Knight, Gawain was told to meet the Green Knight in a year and a day. Unlike Beowulf’s long and dangerous journey, readers can conclude that Gawain’s excursion was easier and less perilous. Both men show great courage and unselfishness but the danger that Beowulf faces is what separates the two and makes Beowulf more

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