The sea colour of the acrylic and a gradient created by the sunlight make the building’s abnormal curves to stand out , emphasising the bizarre shape of the art gallery, which looks like if it is about to wipe out the building around it. The shape of the Kunst Haus Graz is like drop of water which is about to collide with ground and expand in different direction , merging everything it has on its way. However, it doesn't have a nickname like “Water drop’’ or anything related to a see but a “Friendly Alien’’. This is his second official name, probably firstly called by Colin Fournier and Peter Cook themselves or by architectural critics , it does have the similarities to spaceships which are shown in movies or the aliens himself. One of the best comparisons is the alien organism from the film “Blob“ , where an alien creature without a specific shape of body , kills and merges people , becoming bigger and bigger with each death. …show more content…
Of course , the example was probably not the real inspiration for the design of Kunst Haus , it really gives an impression that Peter Cook and Colin Fournier either love science fiction ,especially the movie “Alien’’ or their passion in a calculus based
“Vrrrrrrrr” sounds the fans cooling the projectors displaying video instillations of Terry Berkowitz “the last supper”. As I strolled into this gallery, I instantly thought of both “ted talks” we previously had this semester and how the artist we using rather unconventional means to portray their art. In visiting the Boca Museum Of Art I observed 3 specific pieces that tied into lessons I’ve come to learn more about in this semester.
From our trip to the Norton Museum of Art one piece out of the allotted few struck me as odd and interesting. The Sailor's Barracks by Giorgio De Chirico is a oil on canvas impressionist/metaphysical work of art. The painting is composed of multiple small objects laid about somewhat carelessly on a tilted plane in the foreground with a long piece of architecture in the background that stretches towards the horizon.
“Alien Notion” by Chip Rowe was featured in The Playboy Forum in February 2003. In this article Chip Rowe writes about the attempts of creationist to bring God into public schools. According to Chip Rowe, after the Supreme Court ruled that teaching biblical creationism in public school is a violation of church and state, creationist have been divided into two groups. One group called “young earthers” believe a literal interpretation of Genesis in the Bible, while the other group developed a new way to “sneak God into the classroom” by creating intelligent design or as Rowe describes it “creationism after a shower and a shave”. The creationist behind intelligent design avoid mention of Adam and Eve; instead they say any intelligent being could’ve designed it. He also states that religious right organizers utilized “grassroots lobbying efforts” that gave intelligent design “a legitimacy it didn’t deserve”.
Robert Rauschenberg’s “Tracer” (1963) and Marcel Duchamp’s “Network of Stoppages” (1914) embody the contemporary 20th century movement that uses collages and readymades to produce a new form of art. Both artists are using the so-called copy and paste technique to achieve three-dimensionality – the background is always a separate image from the main object of the artwork. For example, Rauschenberg is using a fragment of “Venus with a Mirror” by Titian and a mixture of human-made (heavy machinery, helicopters, geometric figures) and nature-made objects (birds, humans). The whole composition and the choice of color in “Tracer” seem to resemble sky. On the other hand, Duchamp pastes graphs and geometric lines over relatively undistinguishable
The group concentrated on form and texture. The group translated scale and detail into organic, sometimes abstract design (Jacobs, 1995).
I enjoyed learning about them and looking at it. Prior to doing more research on them, I just thought their work wasn't art and just random things put up/built in places. Now that I know more about it, I am able to fully understand it and enjoy it better. I couldn't live with this in my house, it would take up too much space. Theoretically however, I think I would enjoy having this in my house. I t has a nice meaning behind it and it would be nice to see everyday. It is aesthetically successful in my opinion, it just works so well. I would say this art piece is a mix between formalism and Imitationalism. I believe both are what makes an artwork aesthetically successful. The whole thing, from how it was constructed to the meaning behind it, are the reasons why I think this piece is
In 2010, five Ohio State football players decided to take $14,000 in cash and tattoos in exchange for jerseys, rings, and other Buckeyes memorabilia while the coach failed to speak up with knowledge of the situation. The world of college sports has been known to be corrupt in the past. There have been many incidents with players becoming greedy and egotistical affecting more than just themselves. Now, people are looking into giving college athletes money for their on field play. Collegiate athletes should not get paid since the costs will force small schools into financial problems while making athletes, who are receiving financial benefits through scholarships, less willing to achieve in the classroom.
Seeing David Hockney speak about his book was very interesting to me. Watching him speak about his ideas opened up my mind and made me even consider different ideas. Hockney argues that it is very possible that many artists discover the type of techniques that he does. Hockney spoke of a very interesting topic. This would generally be a subject that wouldn't brought to my attention, but this discussion made me think of things in a totally different way.
The Roman Empire was found in 753 bc on April 21, by two twin brothers names Romulus and Remus who were raised by a she-wolf. They were the children of Rheas Silvia and Mars after Amulius there father dies, the brothers rejected the citizens offer of the crown of Alba Longa. The brothers built there own empire. As they sought to become the next king, Romulus became angrey and killed Remus. And therefore, Romulus becoming the king of there land and naming it after his name.
Pastors attending the Midwest Vision and Values Pastors Leadership Conference in Cleveland prayed for protection for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump against an upcoming “concentrated satanic attack.”
Space Travel and Archeology: The Similarities and Differences I believe Alien directed by Ridley Scott in 1979 is very different to Raiders of the Lost Arc, regardless of its similarities. The movie takes place in a unknown planet and in a spaceship. It is about a spaceship that lands on a planet responding to a stress signal and realises once it is too late that it wasn’t a distress signal but rather, a warning.
The technological works of Tinguely can be classified as kinetic due to their incorporation of mechanical movement. For Pontus Hultén the inclusion of movement implied a ‘complete rejection of the holy values of art’, the traditional characteristics of sculpture were abandoned and kineticism projected sculpture onto a different course. Tinguely, like Rauschenberg, used technology as a means to question and investigate his society. For the artist of the 1960s technology was a tool; it offered new
The successful exhibit of H.2.N.Y engages in a spirited interplay of framed geometries, counterbalanced by the unrestricted, free-form illustrations which spiral around the walls of the John Kaldor Family Collection gallery space. The collection is renowned for its in-depth portrayal of some of the most influential artists of the twentieth and twenty-first century, including Michael Landy.[7] Conceived as an assembly of solo shows, each individual exhibit contributes to a perpetuating dialogue between a diverse range of expressive forms in a cross-section of contemporary attitudes towards artmaking. For this particular installation, Landy digitally tore apart his charcoal drawing Machine to Destroy the Tinguely Museum 2 (2010), a process he described as “cannibalizing [his] own work”.[9] Consequently, he enlarged it to create the fragmented constituents of a large-scale drawing which envelopes and pirouettes throughout the exhibition space, linking together a selection of his own works in the immediate area. Counterbalancing the composition of interior architecture is H.2.N.Y, a drawing seated compliantly within a set frame. This spatial dichotomy plays a fundamental role in the audience’s experience of the artwork, catering to both ends of the heuristic spectrum and pays homage to the intrinsic correlation
John Volk was the architect that designed The Museum of Fine Arts and explained the structure as such: “a museum should give a feeling of permanence and that is what I have tried to do with this building”. His plan was well executed, when I arrived to the museum I noticed two different designs. The front of the museum reminded me of the Ionic Order, the Volutes and the molded bases became my main focus. The beige paint seemed like a great fit as well, it added to the light and airy flow within the museum and gave me further evidence that the Ionic order outside represented what was displayed inside. However, the actual style of the building was a Palladian Style which originated from Europe in the 1500’s.
Kant has a particular separation between free and accessory of what a certain thing is; a design that pleases a night club may not be appropriate in a senior home. With so many types of art forms, we are hardly able to ignore them and become disinterested, eventually curiosity will take its course.