
Comparing Book 'A Lovely Bones' By Chapters, Questions And Answers

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Lies and secrets. Both have the power to destroy relationships in an instant. One moment everything is in harmony, and then somehow the truth is unveiled and everything you knew is gone. Neither lies or secrets surpass one another, for they both are concealing the truth, whether through fabricating a story, or keeping the story locked up. In this novel of so many lessons, Lily will learn the cost of lies and secrets, but also the forgiveness that follows.
From a young age Lily learns to hide from the truth. She keeps her mother’s possessions hidden outside, buried among the peach trees, in order to protect them from T-Ray. She also lies her way through many people in order to get to the next stage. On page 44 Lily tells the preacher, Brother Gerald, that the reason Rosaleen took the fans is because she’s deaf in one ear, and that she was standing up for Jesus when she poured her snuff juice over the men’s shoes, as they’d told her to quit her hymn singing. What really happened is Rosaleen did in fact steal the fans, and she poured the snuff juice over their shoes because they were insulting her. Not long after, Lily lies to a man in the general store telling him she’s staying in town with her grandmother Rose, on page 62. …show more content…

Upon first meeting the Boatwright sisters, Lily launches into her usual habit of lying. But what she is unbeknown to is that eventually all her lies and secrets will float to the surface. August is very perceptive, but not oppressive, allowing Lily to lie without being called out, but knowing more than what she is

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