Why cats and rats are enemies…
Cat and rat legend of the Chinese zodiac and Why cats and rats are enemies are both legends that explain why cats and rats don’t like each other. The theme of these stories is 2 legends that have differences and similarities. If you wanna find out why they aren’t friends keep reading. This essay will show the similarities and differences of the cat and rat legends.
This paragraph will explain the comparisons of the two legends.Five comparisons of the legends Cat and rat legend of the Chinese zodiac and Why cats and rats are enemies are the following. First, they bother trying to cross a river in both legends the “river was wide”. Secondly, the cat got tricked/lied to. Third, both the legends are metaphors.
one of the things a barn rat has to do is very dangerous and hard. But a barn rat doesn't
Rat infestations have swarmed throughout the world, looking for food, and spreading diseases, so of course people attempt to get rid of them. First off, they spread disease. It states in Source 1, “Around 60% of the rodents carry Weil's disease...” This quote states that the majority of all rodents, have Weil’s disease. That means that if you see a rat, it is probably infected with disease. This is incredibly dangerous for people walking the street, or someone without a home. That person who does not have a home, could get a disease very easily. The rats can carry disease and they can spread that disease, it even states in Source 4, “It was this rat which ushered in the Black Plague.” In this piece, they are speaking of Black Rats. These rats were probably one of the unlucky 60%, or it was a carrier something that was on them.
There are many similarities in “Master Cat” and “ How Stories Came to Earth”. In these two tales all the protagonist are animals . For example in the tale “ Master Cat” , the protagonist was a cat and in the tale “ How Stories Came to Earth” the protagonist is a spider. These two tales also have many other similarities such as how both stories protagonists had a goal to accomplish . Each of the tales goals
I am going to compare and contrast two stories I read. The stories are titled “Cat and Rat:The Legend of the Chinese Zodiacs” and “How Cats and Mice Became Enemies”. These stories are both legends. They both have many similarities and differences.
In this essay, I’ll be comparing and contrasting two stories I read, “Cat and Rat: The Legend of the Chinese Zodiac” and “How Cats and Mice Became Enemies.” They are quite a few similarities in these legends, however, there are also many differences within them as well. For example, the first one explain how the Chinese zodiacs were created, and the other only shows how Cats and Mice became enemies. First, I’ll be describing the many comparisons in the two stories.
When rats carry diseases they become a great threat to other lives [dogs, cats, and humans] (Davison, Source 1). This was seen when the Black Death wiped out 30-60% of Europe’s population during the late Middle Ages. In source 2, by Victoria Gill it states, “A once in a generation, gigantic plague of rats, that ruins crops and leaves people starving.” This is a that is a danger because humans could starve to death without food. Rats are eating and destroying important items in your house (Schattenberg, Source 3).
There’s this story about a scorpion and a frog. Sometimes it’s a turtle. Doesn’t really matter. It’s just a story.
Cats entered the New World on the Mayflower. A new breed called the American Shorthair was created. This tame cat would have been distinguishable from the wild cats by their color patterns, hair length, and size. The tame cat could help hunt for birds and rodents because they are hardy, tough, and athletic. It is also likely that the tame cat bred with the wild cats, so new breeds that had the characteristics of the wild ones entered the domestic stock. Cats were not always liked though. There were many superstitions about cats, which made people afraid of them. The cat became known as an indispensable pet for all the genuine witches. The black cat also became known as one of the symbols of Satan. These superstitions may have started because nightly, silent expeditions of feral cats, or their weird cries and shining eyes in the dark. So, cats have not always been accepted as a domestic pet.
Both Master Cat and How Stories Came To Earth have many similarities. They both have a powerful figure in the story. In Master Cat the figures are a king that they are trying to impress, and there is also an ogre that they have to kill in order to impress the king. In How Stories Came To Earth the powerful figure is the sky god (Nyame), who gives the spider the stories. In both stories what they gain is advantageous
First, The rat sabotaged the cat, Second, The rat talked about fish, Third, They both had a river in them, Fourth, Both legends tell why cat and rats hate each other, Fifth,Cat is angry by the rat. In the two stories. “Cat and rat the legend of the zodiac” and, “why cat and rat are enemies” The differences are. First, They had a pumpkin boat, Second, One was a race the other one was sailing to a village, Third, Pumpkin boat vs water buffalo, Fourth, Rat
Rodents can be found everywhere on earth. Among the several different types of rodents, the ones that mostly prefer to live near humans, being the most numerous, are the mice and rats. They live in colonies which comprise of complex hierarchies, wherein they form deep bonds, often putting their own lives at risk to save family and friends. Their best habitats are cavities, holes inside walls, in sewer pipes, in stores where foodstuffs are kept, in the fields and in garbage dumps. As a matter of fact, they love to live anywhere food is available and is convenient for them to put up a nest. In addition, they can easily adjust to any kind of climate and even wipe out original mammals occupying the same niche.
Thesis/Preview: Today, I about the interesting history and mythology of cats: ancient Egyptian cats, negative cultural superstitions, and modern day domesticated cats.
Rats are various medium sized rodents. "True rats" are members of the genus Rattus, the most important of which to humans are the black rat, Rattus rattus, and the brown rat, R. norvegicus. Many members of other rodent genera and families are also called rats and share many characteristics with true rats. A rat has an average life span of 2-3 years[1].
Did you know that comparing the merit of lions and tigers has been a popular discussion amongst hunters? While lions and tigers are both ferocious animals, people have often wondered if the two animals were to fight, who would win, the lion, or the tiger. In ancient Rome, the tiger versus lion face off wasn’t uncommon.
Thesis statement: After living with them, I have noticed that although there are innumerable similarities between the dog and the cat, there are also some important differences.