
Comparing Christian Humanism And The Protestant Reformation

Decent Essays

In the sixteenth century, two new similar movements came to be about Catholicism, Christian Humanism and the Protestant Reformation. Christian Humanism originated in Northern Europe during the Renaissance, its main ideas were that the original religion that is present in the early Holy Scriptures as well as writings from church fathers from that period was distorted during the Middle Ages. Christian humanists felt that they needed to restore the simple life of the church, and the best way to do this was by reforming how the younger generation was taught. The goal was to educate people about Holy Scriptures and the New Testament so they could change society and reform the church to be better. Protestant reformers came about in Germany, and their goals differed from the …show more content…

These ideas differ from the Christian Humanists’ because they believed that the only source of religious truth is in the Bible while Christian Humanism firmly believed in many other Holy Scriptures, the Protestant Reformation also eventually wished to split from the Catholic Church to be their own while Christian Humanism only wanted to reform the Catholic Church for the better. These two movements had different ideas and effects during this time period and would ultimately shape the face of Europe for the future.

Martin Luther was a German monk who had many disagreements with the Church, he would voice these disagreements and unknowingly begin a rebellion against the Catholic Church. Martin Luther’s main disagreements with the Roman Catholic Church was with sacraments and indulgences. Martin Luther disliked many of the sacraments, such as confession because he believed that it did not change one’s position with God. This is why when Luther eventually creates his own church he only keeps the sacraments of Last Supper and Baptism because they are mentioned in the Bible. Martin Luther also disagreed with the

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