
Comparing Christian Influences In The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

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While not overt, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe includes Christian imagery. Adamson, along with Lewis, revel the imminent physicality of Christ through Aslan. Their motion-picture capture performance is on par with what Christianity is based off: love and sacrifice. Both Adamson and Lewis explore Christian influences in The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by addressing how lessons learned in these stories can be applied to a Christian-based life (Appiah, 2006, p.1). The film’s strength lies in the director’s thorough knowledge of the series as well as Christian theology and morality. Special effects alone won the hearts of the audience. Adamson and his crew outdid themselves in this memorable …show more content…

It’s almost impossible to believe Adamson has never done his own live-action movie before. “This is the first live-action film from Andrew Adamson, who cut his teeth directing the Shrek films and was a special-effects supervisor on Joel Schumacher's Batman movies” shares Dean Wright, head of the visual effects during the film (The Chronicles of Narnia's Visual Effects Revealed, 2010, p.1). “He is clearly comfortable with photorealistic talking animals and the grand sweep of a fantastic landscape” continues Wright as he breaks down the barebones of the entire CGI project (The Chronicles of Narnia's Visual Effects Revealed, 2010, p.1). Wright also shared that, “…Narnia included 1670 effects and over 1000 of them were complex CG characters, there were over 40 distinct different creatures, there was CG water, CG ice, CG land” (The Chronicles of Narnia's Visual Effects Revealed, 2010, p.1). The creatures were created on set and by Howard Berger, head make-up specialist, and his team. Adding in more numbers, “[t]here were 59 people who worked solely on the Make Up and over 200 people working on the Visual Effects at one point of the movie" (Newman, 2006, p.1). The amount of

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