
Comparing Cinderella And Rositie A Motif In Disney Films

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Everyone knows the classic cinderella, and has probably watched the Disney movie once in there life. What no one knows is that almost every culture has their own story. Germany, China, Egypt, Russia, and many more have their own version of cinderella. They are all mostly based on the same theme of, a girl that meets a prince ( or king) at a ball then the prince ( or king) searches after in some sort of way because he fell in love with her, and so they can get married. The basic French Cinderella story that we all know is similar, but very different from the Egyption story Rhodopis. These stories connect through Social necessities. The order of everyone to try on the shoe is a necessity that happens in both books.
A motif in the french version of cinderella is the damsel in distress proves identity. This is used when the prince finds Cinderella's shoe, and he is determined to find whos ever foot will fit in the glass slipper. Eventually the two stepsisters tried the slipper on, but it didn’t fit them. Cinderella then said let me try knowing that it was her slipper. It fit her perfectly. That is when she proves her identity to be the one who wore the slipper.This reveals something about Social …show more content…

Rhodopis and The French Cinderella are very similar when it comes to the motif, but have different characters. In the Rhodopis pirates capture her as a slave. She is take to a slave house. Then the people who are mean to her then are the other slaves there. The same thing happens in Rhodopis, she gets the nice clothes then goes to the ball and the pharaoh falls in love with her. On her way out the slipper falls off, and the pharaoh sets out to find who fits it. It fits Rhodopis, and they get married. This reveals something about Social necessity because once again it is there type of culture. The Pharaoh says who ever foot can fit this shoe will be the queen of Egypt. Just like the French

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