
Comparing Code Of The Street: Delinquency, Violence And Moral Life

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The socioeconomic stratification system shows a great disparity when examine the two polar ends of the spectrum; one is a high elevated class and the other a poor lower class. The high socioeconomic status creates an affluent neighborhood of well-kept and normative values of society; such as violence is wrong and a person maintains respect though hard work and opening his/her pocketbook. Meanwhile the lower class status formulates a broken and rundown neighborhood where social stress and chaos roam the streets through juvenile gangs, which promote their own personal values (such as encouraging violence, sex, and drugs) known as “the code of the street.” Elijah Anderson’s book, Code of the Street: Delinquency, Violence, and the Moral Life …show more content…

The decent mimicked those of higher class values which involved parental structure, respect for hard work, and societal morals. However the street life involved a lack of parental support, respect and survival are maintained through violence, and encouragement of sex and drugs. The gang culture provides insight to understanding juvenile behavior as stain, differential association, and labeling theory are applied. The theories applications encapsulate the differences between the subcultures of the poor economic status. Stain is shown in these areas as there is a lack of economic prosperity and violence surrounds the community. Many residents find themselves trapped in a world of disorder with little chance to hoist themselves into a higher class. They understand the American culture values money, but the low standing presents many challenges to achieve it. Merton’s strain theory provides proper justification into understanding the dilemma of the families, “He [Merton] argued that strain is a place on those who wish to pursue societal goals but lack the legitimate means of doing so” (Cox et al. 2014:97). This community as a whole would like to pursue wealth of

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