
Comparing Courage In Macbeth And Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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When people think about Navy Seals and Marine Corps, the ideal thought is that they are the most courageous people and no one can live up to them. A twelve-week program of rigorous initial training is required to not only build up endurance and strength but to build up one's courage. Yes, someone may become a Marine Corp or Navy Seal and be recognized as courageous, but there is more to that simple word that anyone can fathom. Whether someone is a soldier or a cancer survivor, the person is courageous. The word courage can be interpreted in different ways. Beowulf in Beowulf, Macbeth in Macbeth by William Shakespeare, and Ralph in Lord of the Flies by William Golding are all characters who represent the word courage. Courage is a quality that people learn throughout a journey from overcoming fear and conquering it. If people simply believe and work hard, they can be courageous. In the epic poem Beowulf, by an unknown author, multiple characters resemble qualities of courage. In this story, a particular character faces the challenges more than any other. This character …show more content…

Hear it not Duncan; for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell” (640-650). Unfortunately, in this statement we have a courageous character acting in a bad way. Macbeth was courageous for his wife. Not for the right reasons. He was willing to kill King Duncan to be king and honor his wife. He is a loyal husband and would go above and beyond to please her. Harold Bloom states, “Macbeth is led by himself to face his fears and envisions a dagger in front of him” (Online). Macbeth is given the command by his wife to kill King Duncan so that he could be the king. He was very hesitant until the dagger was put in front of him and that’s when he faced his fears. He was courageous in doing so and killed the King. This statement shows us he faced his own fears and was brave enough to complete the

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