
Comparing Cronus And The Lightning Thief

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"The Story of Cronus" and The Lightning Thief

“The Story of Cronus” is an interesting myth where Cronus eats his children in fear that they would one day take his throne and overpower him. Rhea, his wife, hid their last child, a god named Zeus in a cave in the heart of Mount Ida. He throve rapidly and soon developed great physical powers along with wisdom and intelligence. With the help of Metis, Zeus succeeded in forcing his father to disgorge his siblings. This caused a war in which Zeus had won with the help of the giants. This myth has the theme the struggle for power since Cronus is afraid of his children overpowering him. The novel The Lightning Thief, has the same theme as well since Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon fight with each other. “The Story of Cronus” communicates with the theme the struggle for power since Cronus ate his children so that they wouldn’t take his throne. The myth states, “ Cronus having an uneasy conscience, was afraid that his children might one day rise up against his authority, and thus verify the prediction of his father, Uranus.” This quote shows how Cronus was afraid …show more content…

Another example of a struggle for power is that Hades thought that Percy had stolen both his Helm of Darkness and Zeus’ master bolt so that it could start a war between them. The novel states, “You took the master bolt and my helm. Had I not sent my Fury to discover you at Yancy Academy, Poseidon might have succeeded in hiding his scheme to start a war. But now you have been forced into the open. You will be exposed as Poseidon’s thief, and I will have my helm back!” This quote shows that Hades thought that Percy was Poseidon’s thief who stole his Helm of Darkness and the master bolt in an attempt to start a war between them. Both the novel and the myth connect with each other through the theme, the struggle for

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