
Comparing Dictatorship In Islamic State And Kim Jong-Un

Decent Essays

Dictatorship is defined as a form of government or social situation where one or more people make all of the decisions and rules without input from anyone else. Dictatorship also includes people that follow the absolutist's rules without having an input or expressing their own opinion. Dictatorship occurs in our everyday lives, whether it includes you personally or whether you hear it on the news. Dictators usually come to power through a type of violent struggle and happens very quickly rather then the peaceful nature of democracy. There are two great examples of dictatorship which are Islamic State and Kim Jong-un (a dictator of the North Korean government). Both Islamic State and Kim Jong-un have a number of people that follow them in order to give them a great amount of power. Dictatorship represents a sharp change from traditions with members of the public being unaware or unprepared for these changes to occur, which is exactly what both of these organisations did. No dictator can gain power on their own, they must offer something that is beneficial to the public before their power is granted.

Islamic State is ruled by one individual dictator named is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who is a dictator that is followed by a number of Isil people. Abu was able to …show more content…

Napoleon, just like Abu was able to use fear as a strategy to control the rest of the animals. Using the element of fear, both Napoleon and Abu were able to gain control and power which they needed so nobody would overthrow them. As it was said earlier, dictators can not gain control and power on their own, they must offer something beneficial to the public. For Abu, he offered to his followers that their beliefs and traditions would be accepted by the rest of the world. For Napoleon, he offered his fellow comrades that all animals would be equal and that they would have

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