
Comparing Enrique's Journey And The House That Built Me

Good Essays
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Michael Pereira III
Section 4D89
Anuja Madan
“House” and “Home” Essay “House” and “home” are two terms that are often seen as one and the same. They are concepts that hold a vital part in one’s good life. In order to understand their importance in the good life, one must understand why it is deemed to have any value at all, and how they are each severely different. Answers to these matters can be found in the following resources: Sonia Nazario’s Enrique’s Journey, Dr. Shehan’s lecture on Governing the Good Life, and Miranda Lambert’s The House That Built Me. In Sonia Nazario’s “Enrique’s Journey,” it can easily be seen that “house” and “home” are given two distinct meanings. Both, however, are central parts to Enrique’s main goal: …show more content…

Shehan’s lecture regarding housing policies in the United States provides different definitions-as opposed to Enrique’s Journey- to the controversial terms “house” and “home.” It can be seen that in the various stories of the tenants, many obstacles had to be overcome in order to acquire a house and home. Because of the issue of discrimination on the grounds of race, in the case of Steve and Michelle, a living facility was not attainable. The couple was not able to rent a property because of the color of their skin. In this situation, it can be seen that the definition of a “house” was a piece of property to live in, a place in which one can eat, sleep, and rest when away from work. The definition of a “home” can be seen in the story of William, who received constant harassment because of his homosexual orientation. William was verbally abused and insulted both inside and outside his apartment, particularly by the super of the apartment complex. While he had a physical house to live in, he did not feel as though he was “at home.” In this situation, William held the definition of one’s home to be the place where one can relax and feel safe from harm, whether it be physical or verbal. It is a place where a person can be integrated into a community without being looked down upon for whatever reason. The story of Keith provides even more definitions to the two said terms. Keith had AIDS, and because of this, he needed a place to live in so that he could take his medication. …show more content…

The song tells the story of a difficult time in Miranda’s past, a period in which her family faced bankruptcy as a result of the crash of the family’s business. Her family lived with some other family members for a time, but a new house was becoming a growing necessity. They settled on a house that was on the verge of being torn down if it was not rented. It was in poor condition and needed much repair. However, it was still purchased. Because of the scarcity of money in this new house, her family struggled to acquire food, resorting to methods such as planting a garden, hunting game animals, and raising animals such as rabbits. She did, however, keep many memories from the house, including, as her song states, her bedroom where she always did her homework and learned to play the guitar and the burial place for her dog in the backyard. Now, Miranda looks back through the song and realizes that living in the house was a learning, maturing experience and that she “Won’t take nothing but a memory from the house that built me.” It can thus be said that she ties the terms “house” and “home” together. To her, a house is a physical place to live in, while a home is the house in which a person develops the majority of his or her character and personality in, while also creating countless memories that last a

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