
Comparing Epicurus's Views On Pleasure And Pain

Decent Essays

Epicurus believed that in order to live a good life, humans should make life choices that fit their own desired nature. Like every other animal on earth, humans naturally seek pleasure and try to avoid pain. Epicurus suggests that we should try to pursue pleasure as rationally and intelligently as possible. To pursue pleasure rationally, Epicurus said before going forth with an action, we should first consider what pleasures this action or event might lead to. Ask yourself; is this going to cause me pain? If so, how much pain will this cause me? “If you do not, on every occasion, refer each of your actions to the goal of nature, but instead turn prematurely to some other [criterion] in avoiding or pursuing [things], your actions will not be …show more content…

There are different types of pleasures such as: static, moving, physical and mental pleasures. The active working of the senses is moving pleasure. Satiety, fulfilled and being content is known as static pleasure. When we examine our lives we know that mental pleasures and pain are more powerful than the physical ones. Mental pleasures and pains are deeper, more far-reaching and far lasting than physical ones. Physical pleasures are only concerned with the present. Unlike physical pleasures, mental pleasures and pains can encompass the past or the future. Such as some memories or regret held in the past or confidence or fear about what will occur in the future. Anxiety is the greatest destroyer of happiness. Having anxiety about things like, what will happen in the future, fearing of the gods and then there is also that fear of death. “So death, the most frightening of bad things, is nothing to us; since when we exist, death is not yet present, and when death is present, then we do not exist” (332). This is Epicurus’s reasoning for why we should not fear death. In order to become satisfied, one will have to banish the fear of the future and face the future with confidence, to attain tranquility. Epicurus does not want people to worry about what will happen in the future, but over come it with trust and confidence. Believe that nothing bad can come of the

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