
Comparing Everest And Shackle Ton Events

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This paper is a compare and contrast between the Everest and Shackle ton events in terms of leadership. Recounting the effectiveness of their team’s leaderships. (Jones, G. R., & George, J. M., 2013) writes that a group is two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish certain goals or meet certain needs. A team is a group whom members work intensely with one another to achieve a specific common goal or objective. Groups and teams can contribute to organizational effectiveness by enhancing performance, increasing responsiveness to customers, increasing innovation, and being a source of motivation for their members. As I rescued the Everest and Shackelton events, I have a clear picture of the difference between a group and team. Shackle ton expenditure seems to be more team oriented than the Everest event, which to me operated as separate groups, below I explain why. The Shackelton Expenditure was very organized and strategically planned, they all desired and worked to achieve one specific objective. On the other hand, the Everest expenditure was two separate companies Fishers Mountain Madness and Hall’s Adventure consultant. Likewise,both groups had the same goals of reaching the top of …show more content…

Collin Powell said “You have achieved excellence as a leader when people will follow you everywhere out of curiosity (Maxwell, 2002). Shackelton men were confident in him even in the face of defeat; one of Shackleton’s crewmen wrote in their diary, that Shackleton never lost his optimism: which is a trait that every leader should display even in tough times. Shackleton had great communication skills according to one of his crew’s men. The diary stated that Shackleton made every man feel important, not just his leaders: but he made everyone feel like they were part of a team not like them and us situation (Shackleton Story,

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