
Comparing Faulkner's The Bridegroom And A Rose For Emily

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Baowen and Miss Emily both seem to live very interesting lives. The Bridegroom and A Rose for Emily both have different situations that make up their character, however, in some ways, the characters are similar. What makes them both similar? Miss Emily and Baowen are both cast out by society because of the role they play in their society. They are both tragic figures, consequences made by the decisions they make throughout the story. Other characters that encounter either Miss Emily or Baowen don’t seem to understand them, which causes them to become outcasts of their societies, Miss Emily could be called impervious because no one is able to see through her or know her true identity, even if the townspeople assume that they know who she really is. Their are more details in which the similarities of the two characters can be seen. In the A Rose for Emily, it is evident that Miss Emily’s …show more content…

This lead Miss Emily to being separated from the rest of the town. One of the situations that lead to her isolation was that her father didn’t allow her to have a lover, “We remembered all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will.” (William, Faulkner A Rose for Emily.) If the town knows this information, then the men in the area were most likely very cautious when trying to begin a relationship with Miss Emily and decided not to confront her. Eventually, she was driven into her own madness and stayed isolated in her own home until she met Homer Barron, her new lover. Before her life plummeted, Miss Emily used to go out and

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