
Comparing Foer's Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

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Published on April 1, 2005. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Foer's is a literary fiction novel with 368 pages. The action of this novel occurs a year after the fall of the World Trade Center. Oskar deals with the traumatization of his father's loss, yet he is determined to finish the game his father has designed to challenge his intelligence; by taking him to Central Park and have him talk to every single person he meets. Which Oskar had a hard time communicating with other people, but that was what his father has intended; it was the only way to collect the clues and find a solution for the problems that were designed for him. A great game that Dad and I would sometimes play on Sundays was Reconnaissance Expedition. The wish of a nine-year-old Oskar Schell although not formally diagnosed as autistic, he got tested to see if he had Asperger's Syndrome, but the test was not definitive. He suffers from anxiety and describes it as ‘wearing heavy boots’ and deals with it by giving himself bruises. He gets overwhelmed when he is in hectic places with loud noises and bright …show more content…

The entire journey Oskar carries a tambourine with him, which acts as a sort of musical stress ball. After eight months of searching, Oskar finds out that Abby called him after his visit, saying she might be able to help. Abby black’s ex-husband turned out to be the man Oskar was looking for all along; the key is for a safe-deposit box belonging to William Black's dead father. Oskar returns the key to William, which doesn't bring him any closure about his own father; disappointed and lost Oskar makes a flip-book of a man falling upward into the sky who he thinks might be his father, and pretends his Dad is safe. Although deep down he knew this was the last expedition his dad planned for

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