Football plays a large role in many American lives. “Football is a sport in which the main objective is for players to throw, kick, or carry an oval ball into an area at the end of the field to score points.” (Dictionary). The players need to complete this objective while trying to avoid the opposing team from tackling or stealing the ball from them. On the other hand, dogfighting plays a role in American lives as well. Dogfighting is a sport in which two dogs fight violently, the objective is to hit and not get hit. Dogfighting is arranged for spectator entertainment and betting, which normally ends in the death of the loser. Many people believe that one of these is considered “unmoral”. What is morality? “Morality is the principles concerning …show more content…
For example both sports were created for the viewing of audiences, and both involve heavy betting. These activities were created to keep people entertained, because if people aren’t kept entertained their actions are unpredictable and they present a large threat to society. Football keeps viewers entertained and suspenseful until the next season. Likewise, dogfighting keeps the viewers suspenseful until the next fight. Fans of these sports have a commitment that cannot be matched by any other. Like Gladwell says, “There is nothing else to be done, not so long as fans stand and cheer. We are in love with football players, with their courage and grit, and nothing else – neither considerations of science not those of morality – can compete with the destructive power of that love.” (Gladwell). He is saying that people fall in love with the bravery and grit that football players have; likewise, in dog fighting, people fall in love with the dog’s courage and grit. Both audiences love the sports for the same reasons, the players drive and willingness to keep playing after getting hurt. Also both sports involve the players getting injured and making a comeback. When players make comebacks it shows the viewers how committed the players are to their sport and it makes them more supportive and creates a greater attachment to that player. This is especially true in dogfighting, where the term …show more content…
These “immoral qualities” are required in both sports. Without them, the sports wouldn’t be the same and less than 5% of the viewers would watch. Also in both activities the players have free will. “Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; that ability to act to one’s own will.” (Oxford). Many people overlook this fact for dogfighting and think that dogs don’t have a choice, but in reality they do. The same way players can choose if they want to play, dogs can choose if they want to fight or not. They must be crazy if they both choose to participate and risk injury right? Wrong, its either they choose to participate and have shelter, food, and a bed to sleep on, or they can choose not to participate and have no food, shelter, or bed to sleep on. In football, almost 90% of the players do not know anything besides football, so if they choose not to play, then they lose their contract and have no income, and no income leads to no home, food, shelter, or money. In dogs cases it’s a little bit different. If a dog chooses not to fight they get released into the wilderness, or sold to a new owner. Both sports also have long term injuries in common.
McMurty compares sports, particularly football, to war in order to connect to the audience's sense of pathos by making them feel guilty for cheering on any football or sports related injury. He states, "Just as in hockey, where a fight will bring fans to their feet more often than a skillful play, so in football the mouth waters most of all for the really crippling block or tackle. For the kill. Thus the good teams are ‘hungry,’ the best players are ‘mean,’ and ‘casualties’ are as much a part of the game as they are of war.”He is stating that many people think that being hurt is the exact point of football, similar to the way that killing characterizes war. War holds extremely negative connotations and is considered to be harmful
In Joyce Carol Oates’, The Cruelest Sport, she argues that boxing is a cruel and savage sport and that it should not be practiced or even considered a sport. The title of this work The Cruelest sport leads to the questions: Why is it the cruelest sport? Is it because of the physical injuries? Or is it because of the corruption? Oates argues that because the ultimate goal of boxing is to injury someone, it is a barbaric sport. Boxing is the only sport where two men climb into a ring and fight each other like animals. Boxing is harmful because of the injuries, wounds, and deaths that occur during every fight. Victory is usually when one of the fighters is knocked out. Victory is usually achieved when one fighter is unconscious. Boxers fight
3 Explanation: When they see “NFL” players fighting on the field that makes them think that it’s ok to fight in sports.
Football is a dangerous sport. It's a game played by strong minded and physically gifted
Some people play for the money and some play for the passion of it, but the sport can be very cautious and the people that play it are mostly likely mettel. For example: younger kids look up to pro athletes because they dream to be a replica of them someday because they have an enormous passion for it.
The essay American Football is too Dangerous, and Should be Abolished by Dave Bry discusses his opinion on why he thinks American Football should be ended. The author believes that football is immoral. By immoral, he writes that the fans enjoy watching the players play violently. The author also states that the players put their lives at risk because they are given a large compensation or “let-your-parents-retire-and-set-up-the-next-generation-of-your-family-to-go-college-money” (Dave Bry). Overall, the author writes, football is immoral and it should be ended. However, I disagree with the authors point of view.
In modern day America sports are a very important part of our culture, because we are constantly watching sports and participating in sports. In any sport we watch mythology is present. The very act itself of playing the sport is reflective of old roman times when gladiators would kill for the crowds entertainment although today instead of killing its by hitting a home run or scoring a goal. “At their best, sports are about the extraordinary capacities of the human spirit.”(Wolter). These athletes can become extremely popular to the point were they are viewed as superhuman just like in myths, and there is a reason because the best athletes in their respective sport do what no average person could do. “The most legendary performances speak of almost super-human feats: the sub 4 minute mile, Michael Jordan’s flu stricken playoff
Across the world people abuse animals for sport, gambling, and pure exploitation like dog fighting, cock fighting, and breeding dogs just to be able to sell them to places such as shady pet stores and such. Dog fighting is a very lucrative illegal activity that goes largely unpunished these people take poor dogs and inbreed them with their moms, dads, and siblings to be able to create the perfect fighting dog that can make them loads of money. Some other things these groups do include giving them drugs that induce rage and make them even more lethal. These sorts of activities give other breeds such as pit bulls bad reputation; any dog regardless of type can be prone to violence, especially due to birth defects to inbreeding. In other parts
The people know about Michael Vick that he was the quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles and played for 13 seasons in the National Football League (But there is another story that Michael Vick has been involved in dog fights and went to prison for the actions that committed).That does not cover on what had happened to the dogs,Donna Reynold’s had said in details that the swimming pool was used for kill some of the dogs as she continues,the people did not know how many suffered the permitted murder,but the damage of pool walls tells a story. Michael Vick did not just put dogs to fight, but he would hang, drown, shoot, repeatedly slamming their head and spine into the ground
Football is a rough sport. Many fans of the game watch it for the hard hits. These hard hits and the potential for injury is part of what makes the game so exciting. Some people say that football is too brutal and should be banned. Parents all over the United States don’t allow their children to play because of the risk of head injuries. Others allow their sons, and every now and then their daughters, to play and risk injury for a chance to earn a college scholarship and for a small percentage of players, the chance to play in the National Football League (NFL).
Dog fighting is a very cruel thing, and it is happening right under our noses. It is illegal to fight a dog in all fifty states. By being an observer at a dog fight, it is against the law in forty-seven states. So why do people continue this cruel practice? The answer seems to be money. Some people who breed dogs for fighting can sell their puppies for up to two thousand dollars. Even though fighting dogs is making money, it is cruel since pain is inflicted on the dogs; the ASPCA and the Humane Society are trying to prevent this with proper training.
Sports have been apart of society since the beginning of written history. Sports have also been separated in genders for centuries due to the physical and mental uniqueness of both genders. People take pride in sports. In some families and to communities sports are imbedded in their social infrastructure; it is very important to their identities. Sports are very tradition based seasonal, rules, and even attire. This has made rituals in sports very easy to pass down from generation to generation. Even though times and society has changed rules, traditions, and conservative individuals have not. There is one particular case in the world of golf that illustrates this point perfectly.
However, this has not always been the case. Realization of the potential harm occasioned by football led to some changes in the NFL rules to lower the chances and percentage of injuries. Whereas playing indoors is a legally acceptable behavior, it is not a desirable behavior to play in a public place, in the eyes of society. Thus, it may seem like a less deviant behavior. The behavior of human beings follows social norms and these norms promote conformity while discouraging any deviance. Violation of these norms leads to punishment, and this may take the form of punishment through shunning by the society. Playing football is a social activity since it involves human interaction. As such, it is governed by the rules and norms of society, and it may have a variety of
Because sports news and sports figures are constantly in the news, sports reflect our values. We are living in a society that is filled with violence. Many adults choose to solve their problems in violent ways. When the stress of life becomes too much, or
Football remains the most popular sport in America and the ninth most popular sport in the world for a reason. Since its creation in 1869, football has played a fundamental part of American society. Every Sunday, my family along with millions of other Americans turn the television to CBS, NBC or FOX to watch their favorite football team go to battle. My family and I bleed burgundy and gold and root for the home team the Washington Redskins. Americans including myself display great intensity and passion for the game of football and the result of the game often changes my attitude for the better or worse. Watching the game on television may come as exhilarating and entertaining, but playing the game creates the best times. Overall football has made a severe impact on many people’s lives. Football teaches unique lessons in a hands on manner which helps athletes like myself sustain a much more adventurous life. Football has made an immeasurably positive influence upon my life, but the sport has its dangers. Football changes lives.