
Comparing Gilgamesh, Exodus, And The Odyssey

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Chain Reaction Before Kings ruled supreme, the people looked to the gods for guidance and instruction, and then centuries later ,when the kings took over, the traditional values of a higher deity remained. This thought is clear in pre-historic texts Gilgamesh, Exodus, and The Odyssey. Whether they be myths or legends, each story reflects the belief that there is a need for a higher power, or rules that they follow. Authority, rules, and gods are necessary because they create a chain reaction of order to choice, and finally to purpose. Humans stay on earth due to established natural order, the laws of physics. The world is always spinning changing day and night, and without that source of pre-established order, humanity today would cease to exist. There would be chaos, and any hope of peace and order would be blacked out by confusion and panic. However, this situation would eventually fix itself. In Anarchy laws are found. Although the term itself means the absence of rules and authority, there are rules found in the underbelly of the terms. Even in Anarchy order will naturally form, because it is necessary for human existence. In Anarchy the rules are that people must care and regulate themselves due to the absence of a ruler, but even then people do not want absolute freedom. Sure they will enjoy it for a short period, but …show more content…

Instead people make choices, and those choices establish a sense of individuality to create the morality of that individual. However every choice has a consequence. Some consequences are sacrifices, and some are punishments due to disobeying the authority. In the greek tragedy The Odyssey, Odysseus finds out exactly what consequences await him. In the story Circe tells Odysseus, “…but harm them in any way, and I can see it now: your ship destroyed, your men destroyed as well! And even if you escape, you’ll come home late, all shipmates lost, and come home a broken man.” (275,

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